Vol 71, No 6 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Published: 29.12.2016
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://vestnikramn.spr-journal.ru/jour/issue/view/47
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15690/vramn716
Full Issue
Method of Surgical Management of Genital Prolapse with Cervical Elongation
Objectives: According to different authors, the percentage of genital prolapse among gynaecological diseases that require surgical correction reaches 28−38,9%. Pelvic muscle wasting is a special kind of pelvic prolapse, often leading to cervical elongation and hypertrophy. Contemporary methods of treatment for this condition have the high rate of relapse― 8,9−22%, thus urging to improve the existing techniques.
The purpose of this research was to estimate the effectiveness of novel modification of Manchester operation in comparison with classic Manchester operation in the management of pelvic prolapse with cervical elongation.
Methods: We enrolled 83 patients with pelvic prolapse and cervical elongation and divided them into two groups. In GroupI (n=47) we used the novel surgical method, supplementing original Manchester procedure with cervical stump fixation and other improvements. In GroupII we used original Manchester procedure. We compared laboratory measures as well as surgery duration, blood loss, incidence of complications, and duration of post-operational hospital stay. Patients were followed-up for 2years to estimate long-term effectiveness of surgical intervention. Statistical analysis was performed in SPSS 17.0.
Results: Surgery duration in GroupII was significantly longer (47,8±26,2 vs 57,5±35,1 minutes, p<0.05). There were no significant differences in lab tests, post-operational hospital stay (5,2±0,9 vs 7,3±1,2) and incidence of post-operational complications (3 vs 4 cases). Over the 2 years of follow-up we registered 1 case of relapse in Group I and 3 cases of relapse in Group II, thus estimating the effectiveness of surgery as 97,9 vs 91,7%, a non-significant difference. We noticed that all relapsed women had signs of systemic dysplasia of connective tissue.
Conclusion: Suggested modification of Manchester operation improves duration of surgical intervention itself, while providing a comparable level of effectiveness.

The Cell Therapy in Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
The opportunities and the most promising ways of using cellular technology in traumatic spinal cord injury are considered in this review. A large number of experimental and clinical studies with the use of different types of cells: embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, Schwann cells, olfactory mucosa cells, and others – was conducted. The use of these types of cells in traumatic spinal cord injury treatment often demonstrated a positive therapeutic effect: the motor and sensory function recovery of the spinal cord. However, some types of cell preparations involve some methodological and ethical problems; some types of cell therapies are ineffective or give rise to side effects. These factors complicate the selection of optimal cell therapy for the traumatic spinal cord injury treatment. The most promising cells seem to be the cells of the olfactory mucosa. Getting the olfactory mucosa is considered to be a feasible and safe procedure for patients. The clinical application of the cells of the olfactory mucosa is effective in motor function recovery due to remyelination and axonal regeneration after spinal cord injury. These cells are tissue-specific and autologous since they can be obtained from a patient with spinal cord injury, and after cultivation, expansion, and directed differentiation they can be transplanted to the same patient. The presented benefits of olfactory mucosa cells open up the possibility for its clinical application in the cell therapy.

Correlation Between Emotional-Affective Disorders and Gut Microbiota Composition in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
Background: Despite the efforts of scientific community the data available on the correlation between emotional-affective symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and changes in microbiome is still scarce. Deeper studies of nonmotor symptoms evident in premotor stages of the disease and the reciprocal influence of microbiota may help to understand the etiology and pathogenesis of PD neurodegeneration better.
The aim of the study was to discover the relations between emotional-affective disorders prevalent in PD population and changes in gut microbiota composition.
Мethods: 51 patient diagnosed with PD participated in the study. Every participant’s emotional-affective state was examined using Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Taxonomic richness of microbiome was studied using 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing, bioinformatics, and statistical analysis.
Results: Anxiety and depression are prevalent affective disorders in patients with PD. In our study, most of the subjects demonstrated certain anxiety and depression. Taxonomic diversity of gut microbiota in BP was increasing with the increase in anxiety levels, reaching the maximum in the group with subclinical anxiety, and decreasing in the group with clinically significant anxiety disorder. At the species level, patients with clinically significant anxiety had higher abundance of Clostridium clariflavum compared to the anxiety-free patients. Patients with moderate depression were characterized by the higher prevalence of Christensenella minuta, Clostridium disporicum, and Oscillibacter valericigenes compared to subjects without depression or with mild depression.
Conclusion: The data we received in our study allow better understanding of PD pathogenesis.

Nutritional and Hormonal Status of Premature Infants Born with Intrauterine Growth Restriction at the Term Corrected Age
Background: Inadequate nutrition supply during the period of intrauterine growth and the first year of life leads to persistent metabolic changes and provokes development of various diseases.
Aims: Тo compare physical development, body composition, and hormonal status (insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), somatotropic hormone (STH), C-Peptide, cortisol) indices in premature infants born with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) at the term corrected age with the same indices in mature infants with IUGR and premature infants with weight appropriate for their gestational age (GA).
Materials and methods: А crossover study of anthropometric measures, body composition and growth hormones changes assessment was carried out. It included 140 premature infants with weight appropriate for their GA, 58 premature infants with IUGR and 64 mature infants with IUGR. Anthropometric measures were assessed with Fenton and Anthro growth charts (WHO, 2009); body composition was studied with the air plethysmography method (РЕA POD, LMi, USA). Level of hormones in blood serum was assessed with biochemical methods.
Results: It is found that anthropometric measures in premature infants with weight appropriate for their GA and premature infants with IUGR at the term corrected age did not have any significant differences while premature infants with IUGR tended to have lower weight. Studying body composition we found that both groups of premature infants had slightly higher level of fat mass in comparison with mature infants. High concentration of insulin, cortisol, IGF-1, and C-peptide was found in premature and mature infants with IUGR. Instead, lower levels of STH was found in infants with IUGR. Formula fed premature infants (comparing to breastfed ones) had higher levels of fat mass, insulin, IGF-1, and C-peptide. Mature infants with IUGR did not tend to have the correlation between levels of fat mass, insulin, IGF-1, C-peptide, and type of feeding.
Conclusions: Not only insufficient intrauterine growth but also nutrition pattern plays important role in development of body composition disbalance and hormonal shifts in premature infants.

Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of Longterm Feeding with Amino Acid-Based Formula in Infants with Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy: Results of the Open-Label Prospective Controlled Post-Registration Trial
Background: The cow’s milk allergy (CMA) prevalence is 2−3% in children under one year. Approximately in 5% of cases transferring to extensively hydrolysed formula (eHF) doesn’t lead to disappearance of CMA symptoms.
Aims: Evaluation of efficacy and safety of amino-acid formula (AAF) longterm feeding in children under one year and development of predictors of successful transfer from AAF to eHF.
Materials and methods: In open-label prospective post-registration trial duration of 365 days were included 43 children aged from 3 to 12 months with CMA. CMA was based on Russian and international guidelines. When a patient was included in the trial, child received eHF for 4 weeks with the evaluation of the effect of elimination diet (ED): in case of absence of effect, for diagnostic purposes child feed with AAF for 2 weeks and upon receiving the effect, child continued to receive it for at least 6 months. Diet was considered effective if there were observed disappearance of clinical manifestations of CMA during of formula using.
Results: Children fed with AAF gain weight and increased height statistically higher during the first 6 months, compared with children receiving eHF, but without subsequent difference in a year. After 4 weeks’ of AAF feeding, there was a significant decrease in SCORAD index from 46.84 (SD 4.164) to 2.52 (SD 2.204) (p=0.005); disappearance of gastrointestinal manifestations of CMA from 3 to 14 day. After 4 weeks, the 100% normalization of previously elevated faecal calprotectin (p<0.05) was observed; and after 6months. ED, in 60% of children normalization of the index of activation of basophils with milk was observed. 38.7% of children were transferred to eHF in 6 months, 12.9% and 25.8% in 9 and 12 months respectively.
Conclusions: Use of AAF for children with CMA is an effective and safe treatment without lengthening the period of elimination, which is necessary for the formation of tolerance to cow’s milk protein and has a positive impact on weight and height. Normalization of specific activation of basophils with milk could be considered as a predictor of successful transfer from AAF to eHF in children with CMA.

Clinical and Functional Phenotypes of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, the Effect on the Severity of the Disease and Prognostic Value in Assessing the Risk of Disease Progression
Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by progressive limitation of airflow rate, hyperergic inflammatory response of the respiratory tract, and systemic manifestations. Prognosis of the disease depends on the severity of these pathogenetic components. FEV1 which characterizes the speed limit airflow do not allow predicting the rate of COPD progression.
Aims: comparison of the prognostic significance of such clinical parameters as frequency of exacerbations and the development of comorbid diseases to assess the nature of COPD progression by using different classification approaches.
Materials and methods: The prospective comparative study included 98 patients with COPD. In the framework of the study protocol, 2 visits were required when a practitioner recruited patients who met inclusion/exclusion criteria, obtained the signed informed consent, collected the anamnestic data, and performed basic procedures of the study: spirometry, 6-minute stepper test, assessment of dyspnea on questionnaire mMRC, body plethysmography, lung diffusion capacity study, dopplerechocardiography, tomography of the chest. Visit 2 was conducted in 12 months after the first one to assess the dynamics of the disease. The dynamics of the disease was considered negative if, upon repeated examination, the patient was referred to the group with more severe COPD.
Results: Our study demonstrates that comprehensive assessment of such factors as the frequency of COPD exacerbations in the preceding 12 months and the presence of comorbid diseases in a patient is reasonable for assessment of disease severity and determination of disease prognosis. At the same time the frequency of COPD exacerbations as one of the evaluated factors is most strongly associated with disease progression.
Conclusions: Thus, a practitioner is recommended to use the proposed additional clinical criteria to assess the severity and degree of progression of COPD.

The Study of Influence of Different Methods of Local Treatment on Wound Healing in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Aim. To evaluate the influence of different methods of local treatment on tissue repair in patients with diabetic foot ulcers.
Materials and methods. We evaluated such clinical characteristics as wound size and local perfusion after using negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), local collagen, and standard care in patients with diabetic foot ulcers. We observed 63 patients with neuropathic and neuroischemic forms of diabetic foot (without critical ischemia) after surgical debridement. After that 21 patients received NPWT, 21 local collagen treatment and 21 ― standard care.
Results. After using NPWT wound area and depth decreased in 19,8% and 42,8% (p<0.05), in group of collagen dressings in 26,4 and 30,4% (p<0.05). In control group those parameters were 17,0 и 16.6% respectively (p<0.05). There was found the significant increase of local perfusion according to oxygen monitoring in group of NPWT (p<0.05).
Conclusion. The received data showed that the intensity of lower limb tissue repair processes increases more significant after using NPWT and collagen dressings in comparison to standard care which is found according to wound size and tissue perfusion alterations.

Sanitary-Epidemiological Status of Siberian Population (Medico-Demographical and Epidemiological Characteristics)
Review on the problem of sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population in the Siberian Federal District (SFD) was conducted based on literature data and authors own research in the period of 2002−2014. Authors provided broad information on the health and demographic and epidemiological characteristics of SFD population. SFD in comparison with other regions of the Russian Federation overcomes one of the most adverse situations including mortality rates from external causes. SFD population’s infectious and somatic morbidity rates were analyzed. Analysis demonstrated that the situation relating to priority epidemiologically and socially important infections (HIV-infection, parenteral viral hepatitis, tuberculosis etc.) on the territory of the SFD remains tense. Authors provided information on the increase in the level of the actual for Siberian regions natural-foci tick-borne infections. Detailed analysis for the environment anthropogenic pollution impact for the epidemic, infectious and vaccine induced processes. Authors suggest that anthropogenic (biological) environmental pollution is one of the most important factors influencing the epidemiological welfare of the Siberian population. A new strategic direction in epidemiological research associated with the problem of comorbid diseases is planned.