Vol 78, No 4 (2023)

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Features of the Gut Microbiota in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Kirillova E.D., Muravieva V.V., Isaeva E.L., Skorobogatiy A.V., Zhigalova K.N., Kozlova A.A., Priputnevich T.V., Chernukha G.E.


Background. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy associated with infertility and metabolic disorders. The ethology and pathogenesis of PCOS are not fully understood. The role of gut microbiota (GM) disorders in the genesis of insulin resistance and in the development of PCOS is ambiguous.

Aims — to compare the GM of patients with PCOS and healthy women, to evaluate the relationship of various groups of microorganisms with markers of chronic inflammation.

Methods. A single-center cross-sectional study was conducted involving 148 women: 118 with PCOS and 30 somatically healthy women aged 18–40 years. A comprehensive clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination was performed, as well as an assessment of the composition of the GM using the cultural analysis method.

Results. In PCOS, a decrease in the GM diversity Margalef index was revealed compared to healthy women. A statistically significant decrease in the level of colonization of Bacteroides (B. vulgatus, B. eggerthii, B. caccae), Lactobacillus gasseri, Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus, Escherichia coli (E.coli) and, on the contrary, an increase in the population of gamma-proteobacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae and beta-proteobacteria of the order Burkholderiales, as well as Erysipelatoclostridium ramosum (E. ramosum), compared with healthy women. Correlation analysis revealed a negative correlation of bacteria of the genera Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides with IL-6, as well as E. coli with IL-6 and C-reactive protein in patients with PCOS. A positive correlation was observed between the level of IL-6 and the abundance of bacteria of the species E. ramosum.

Conclusions. The GM of PCOS patients is characterized by a decrease in Margalef diversity index, aggravated by the imbalance in microbial communities, accompanied by an increase in the levels of pro-inflammatory markers, compared with healthy women.

Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 2023;78(4):269-280
pages 269-280 views

DERMATOLOGY and VENEROLOGY: current issues

Blood Cytokines in Psoriasis: Association with Clinical Scores of the Disease Severity and Psoriatic Arthritis

Karamova A.E., Vorontsova A.A., Obraztsova O.A., Nikonorova E.R., Nikonorov A.A., Deryabin D. ., Kubanov A.A.


Introduction. Dysregulation of the immune system and inflammationis associated with the pathogenesis of psoriasis andmanifestedas significant changes in cytokine profile. This fact can be used to monitor the course of the disease and its treatment. However, the results of these studies are insufficient, sometimes contradictory and require a more in-depth analysis.

Aim — to identify matches between cytokine profile, clinical scoresof psoriasis severity and the presence of psoriatic arthritis (PsA).

Methods. Standardized clinical scores (PASI, BSA, and sPGA) were used to assess the severity of psoriasis. It was defined as moderate if 10 ≤ PASI < 20 and sPGA was 2–3, and as severe if PASI ≥ 20 and sPGA was 4–5. Determination of the cytokine levelsin plasma was carried out by the multiplex immunological analysis using xMAP technology. Statistical analysis and visualization of the obtained data was carried out using RStudio for MacOS and the R programming language.

Results. The total 113 patients with psoriasis vulgaris of moderate and severe severity were enrolled in the present study. On the basis of PASI score, moderate psoriasis was diagnosed in 55 (48.7%) patients and severe in 58 (51.3%) patients. PsA was diagnosed in 41 (36.3%) patients. Depends on disease severity the differences in the levels of IL-12, IL-20 and IL-22 were revealed. Significant difference in IL-6 level between patients with PsA and without it were shown. We have identified two independent cytokine networks, represented by a cluster of cytokines associated with psoriasis severity scores (IL1β–TNFα–IL-17A, IL-22, and IL-20), and a cluster which was not associated with severity (IL-21, IL-23, IL-25, IL-17F, IL-31, IL-33, IL-4, and IL-10).

Conclusion. The results of the study for the first time describe the cytokine networks associated with the systemic inflammation in psoriasis; characterize the main effector cytokines determined the severity of the inflammatory response in skin and the development of PsA.

Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 2023;78(4):281-288
pages 281-288 views

Atopic Dermatitis vs. Eczema. History of Terminology

Potekaev N.N.


Currently, one of the unresolved terminological problems of dermatology is the question of the definition of two diseases — atopic dermatitis and eczema. Moreover, discussions and disputes continue between supporters of the identity of both dermatoses and adherents of their nosological independence. In our work, we have made an attempt to understand not only the definitions of the studied pathological processes, but also to compare their clinical forms in order to objectify the terminology used. It can be concluded that representatives of foreign dermatological Schools of the XIX and the first half of the XX century, using the terms "eczema", "diathesis pruritus", "neurodermatitis" and "atopic dermatitis", implied the same pathological process. While our domestic predecessors clearly defined the definitions of these two independent nosologies, denoting, respectively, unambiguous terms — "eczema" and "atopic dermatitis". From the point of view of etiopathogenesis in Russia, eczema is considered as a dermatosis due to acquired hypersensitivity to external factors, while in atopic dermatitis this hypersensitivity is congenital. Domestic dermatovenerologists, based on modern ideas about the etiology and pathogenesis, genetic and immunological factors, as well as the nature of the clinical picture, use unambiguous definitions for two separate dermatological nosologies — "eczema" and "atopic dermatitis", preserving the traditions of the Russian dermatovenerological School for the benefit of the development of Russian science and the health of our patients.

Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 2023;78(4):289-296
pages 289-296 views


Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment — current state of the problem

Chernyavskiy A.M., Edemskiy A.G., Vasiltseva O.Y., Kliver E.N., Grankin D.S., Sirota D.A., Romanov A.B.


Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension is group IV of pulmonary hypertension, which develops with occlusive-stenotic lesions of the pulmonary artery after a pulmonary embolism. There are no clear data on the epidemiology of this disease. At the same time, it is obvious that it is much more widespread than is commonly believed. This is due to the nonspecific clinical picture and the lack of awareness of clinicians about this disease. On the one hand, the pathogenesis of CTEPH is well studied and in many respects similar to pulmonary arterial hypertension, on the other hand, it is not clear why blood clots do not dissolve in a certain percentage of patients. Diagnosis of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension is fairly well described and should be carried out according to a special algorithm. The treatment of choice is pulmonary endarterectomy. In inoperable patients and patients with residual pulmonary hypertension after surgery, it is possible to perform balloon angioplasty of the pulmonary artery and PAH-specific therapy. In our study, the safety and efficacy of a new method for the treatment of a residual form of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, radiofrequency denervation of the pulmonary artery, has been proven. The pathogenetic basis of this technique is the desympathization of the pulmonary circulation by radiofrequency destruction of the autonomic ganglia of the bifurcation of the pulmonary artery and the interruption of the so-called pulmo-pulmonary reflex.

Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 2023;78(4):297-304
pages 297-304 views

Optimal Angiographic View for Implantation of Self-Expanding Transcatheter Aortic Valves

Mardanyan G.V., Chargazia S.G., Kur-ipa K.A., Polyakov R.S., Puretskiy M.V., Pirkova A.A., Vlasko G.S., Popov S.O., Abugov S.A.


Background. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation is safe and effective alternative to surgical treatment of severe aortic valve stenosis among patients of all risk groups. Optimal implantation depth is key for successful hemodynamic and clinical

Results. Despite the improvement of prostheses design and increasing experience of operators cardiac conduction abnormalities and paravalvular leak continue to be a significant complication of this procedure, directly affecting the long-term prognosis. Self-expanding valves require special approaches for optimal angiographic projection to assess the implantation depth of the prosthesis.

Aims — in this study we compared coplanar view and cusp overlap technique during self-expanding aortic valves implantation.

Methods. We performed a retrospective analysis of 81 TAVI performed in Russian Research Center of Surgery. The patients were divided into two groups depending on the implantation projection: coplanar view (CV) and cusp overlap technique (COT). The incidence of cardiac conduction abnormalities (cumulative incidence of third degree AV block and left bundle branch block) depending on the implantation projection was analyzed. The procedural characteristics in the form of contrast agent volume, fluoroscopic time and operator comfort were also evaluated.

Results. After TAVI 16 (51.6%) and 13 (26.0%) patients had cardiac conduction disturbances (cumulative incidence of third degree AV block and left bundle branch block) in the CV and COT respectively (p = 0.019). In the CV group, 2 (6.5%) patients, and in the COT group, 3 (6%) patients had third degree AV block (p = 0.935) and 14 (45.2%) и 10 (20%) left bundle branch block (p = 0,016). In the COT group, there was a significant decrease contrast media (181 ± 66.4 mL vs. 158.9 ± 50.8 mL, p = 0.032). Fluoroscopic time also decreased (23.2 ± 7.7 min vs. 21.3 ± 6.8 min), but without a significant difference (p = 0.678). According to the results of the operator survey, the COT projection was more comfortable.

Conclusions. Optimal implantation depth is an important condition for achieving hemodynamic efficiency of the prosthesis and reducing the risk of conduction abnormalities. Operator comfort, better assessment of the implantation depth, safety and efficiency of the cusp overlap technique allow its use as the main implantation view for TAVI.

Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 2023;78(4):305-313
pages 305-313 views


Paediatric amplification protocol, based on individualization of the hearing aids’ fitting parameters

Tufatulin G.S., Yanov Y.K., Artyushkin S.A., Dvoryanchikov V.V.


Background. There are no paediatric amplification clinical practice guidelines in Russia at the moment. At the same time the technological progress of hearing aids’ (HA), new algorithms and functions requires the objective evidence of safety and effectiveness for the hearing impaired children. For these reasons paediatric amplification algorithm was developed by the authors. Besides the standard procedures the algorithm includes an objective electroacoustic verification of the output parameters and separate HA functions. The research is devoted to the investigation of the protocols advantages.

Aim — development and evaluation the paediatric amplification protocol, based on objective electroacoustic verification of the output and functions of hearing aid.

Materials and Methods. Prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial was performed. Two protocolseffectiveness were compared. Standard protocol (control group) is based on the subjective verification. Experimental protocol suggests an electroacoustic verification of the output and different HA functions: feedback cancellation, amplitude and frequency compression, microphone directionality, digital noise reduction (experimental group). Each group included 56 children (3–17 years old) with permanent hearing loss from moderate to moderately-severe degree. Initial amplification was performed for each child; the results were estimated in 1, 3 and 6 months using PEACH and LIFE questionnaires, speech audiometry and phoneme testing. DataLogging and first fitting appointment time were also estimated.

Results. In preschool-age children of the experimental group post-amplification PEACH results were 6% better than in controls. In school-age children (LIFE questionnaire) results were 11% better comparing with control group. Speech intelligibility in quiet was 3.1% (p > 0.05) higher for pre-schoolers in the experimental group and 9.3% (p < 0.01) higher for school-age children comparing with control group. Speech intelligibility in noise was higher in experimental group than in control: 7.8% (p < 0.05) in pre-schoolers and 13% (p < 0.01) for school-age children. Phoneme recognition was better in experimental group as well: 4.5% (p < 0.05) in pre-schoolers and 9.8% (p < 0.01) in school-agers than in control group. After HA fitting following an experimental protocol DataLogging time was 11–12% longer in comparison with standard procedure. On the other hand, experimental protocol took in average 1.5 hours for the first fitting and standard protocol — 53 minutes.

Conclusions. Protocol of paediatric amplification based on objective electroacoustic verification of HA output and functions allows to significantly increase the effectiveness of hearing rehabilitation in children.

Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 2023;78(4):314-328
pages 314-328 views

A single-stage population-based study of the prevalence of mild cognitive impairment in children of secondary school age

Karkashadze G.A., Gogberashvili T.Y., Konstantinidi T.A., Kaytukova E.V., Vishneva E.A., Soloshenko M.A., Sergeeva N.E., Efendieva K. ., Ustinova N. ., Pashkov A.V., Komarova E.V., Drapkina O.M., Shepel R.N., Mezhidov K.S., Namazova-Baranova L.S.


Background: Various mild cognitive impairments in children are socially significant disorders that are often found in the practice of pediatric neurologists, but the apparent lack of epidemiological data does not allow us to judge the scale of the problem.  

Aims:  The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of combined mild cognitive disorders in a large cohort of Russian children, 5th grade students at school.

Materials and methods: The results of the examination of Russian schoolchildren of municipalities representing cities of all federal districts of the Russian Federation (RF) are analyzed. Cognitive functions were tested, which consisted of six subtests. According to the results of testing, using the method of assessing cognitive functions in population studies, the frequency of assigning participants to a high-risk group of combined mild cognitive impairment and the probability of diagnosis of combined mild cognitive impairment were evaluated. The analysis of the links between the breadth of results performed at the level of mild cognitive impairment, integrative cognitive success, the results of individual cognitive subtests with academic performance and the leading hand factor was carried out.      .

Results: 1,067 5th grade students at school were included in the study, 1,036 participants completed it, 51% of them girls. Belonging to the cluster of integrative cognitive successes and representation of the leading hand had no gender differences, subtests for visual-spatial perception/memory and constructive practice were better performed by boys (p< 0.001 and p = 0.020), and girls, as a rule, performed better subtests for verbal-logical thinking and voluntary activity. attention (p = 0.050 and p = 0.051). According to the results of cognitive testing, a high risk of combined mild cognitive impairment was detected in 30.2% of the examined, and the probability of diagnosis of combined mild cognitive impairment was 7.5%. It was found that of the studied factors, the breadth of the results obtained at the level of moderate cognitive impairment and the effectiveness of the verbal-logical thinking subtest are more related to academic performance. At the same time, the strength of these ties was very moderate. The image of the leading hand was in no way associated with cognitive factors, including academic performance at the level of moderate cognitive impairment, but left-handedness was partially associated with better academic performance in literature.

Conclusions: The results of the study, conducted for the first time on a multi-regional cohort of Russian schoolchildren, demonstrated a wide scale of the potential prevalence of mild cognitive impairment in children, and also revealed a number of patterns in the neurobiology of cognitive development.

Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 2023;78(4):329-347
pages 329-347 views

Nutritional support in glycogen storage diseases: evolution of treatment and unresolved contradictions

Surkov A.N., Baranov A.A., Arakelyan A.L., Bessonov E.E., Zhurkova N.V., Labash D.A., Ivardava M.I.


Hepatic forms of glycogen storage diseases (GSD) are a group of diseases in which abnormal accumulation or cleavage of glycogen leads to potentially life-threatening hypoglycemic conditions and metabolic disorders. The use of specialized diet therapy with the addition of raw corn starch has significantly improved the results of GSD treatment, turning a pathology previously considered fatal into a condition in which people can feel satisfactory with proper care. Despite many years of research, there is no consensus on the optimal dietary treatment of GSD. This article describes the evolution of dietary therapy of hepatic forms of GSD (types 0, I, III, VI, IX and XI), presents historical and modern approaches to the prevention of hypoglycemia and related complications.

Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 2023;78(4):348-355
pages 348-355 views


Gastrostomy: Evolution of Surgical Techniques

Frolova E.V., Samsonyan E.K., Emelyanov S.I., Bogdanov D.Y., Bashirov R.A.


Up to date data analysis of development and advance of gastrostomy surgical technique as well as its evolution are presented in details. Principal technical modalities of gastrostomy creation including laparotomy, miniinvasive laparoscopic approach, percutaneous endoscopic and percutaneous X-ray endoscopic gastrostomy are summarized alongside with their technical pitfalls and disadvantages. Clinical data of gastrostomy is imposed. Possible options of complications caused by technical drawbacks and functioning of gastrostomy are highlighted and described. Analysis of literature review allowed us make the conclusion of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy to be the most perspective from the technical and clinical efficacy point of view.

Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 2023;78(4):356-362
pages 356-362 views


Molecular Genetic Monitoring and Digital Transformation Technologies in Modern Epidemiology

Akimkin V.G., Khafizov K.F., Dubodelov D.V., Voronin E. ., Cherkashina A.S., Ugleva S. ., Stratulat D.V., Samsonov A.А.


The pandemic of a new coronavirus infection has become a serious challenge for the health system of all countries, so as of May 2023, 766 million confirmed cases of the disease and more than 6.9 million deaths have been registered in the world. More than 22 million cases and 398 thousand deaths from a new coronavirus infection have been registered in the Russian Federation. The rapidly changing epidemiological situation necessitated the systematization of the material for analytical work. The need to create special tools for aggregating an array of heterogeneous information has become obvious. The high rate of accumulation of mutations in the genome of the pathogen made it necessary to study circulating genovariants both from the standpoint of their escape from postmorbid and postvaccinal immunity, and from the point of view of the characteristics of the epidemic process caused by individual variants of the virus and their significance for practical health care and the organization of antiepidemic measures. The significant heterogeneity in terms of population density, geographical and economic conditions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation necessitated the organization of work on the implementation of continuous molecular genetic monitoring of the variability of the COVID-19 pathogen. The active development of computing technologies and the challenges faced by the epidemiological surveillance system during the COVID-19 pandemic created the prerequisites for the rapid development of the process of digital transformation in epidemiology. Three platforms were created on the basis of Central Research Institute of Epidemiology — the Russian data aggregation system VGARus, SOLAR and an analytical platform for analyzing the epidemiological situation regarding the new coronavirus infection based on the Superset program, which were the main tools for epidemiological monitoring of the new coronavirus infection.

Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 2023;78(4):363-369
pages 363-369 views


To the 85th Anniversary of Academician Larisa Konstantinovna Moshetova

Reshetov I.V., Sergeeva N.V.


On August 19, 2023, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Larisa Konstantinovna Moshetova, a recognized leader in the field of ophthalmology, turned 85 years old.

Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 2023;78(4):370-372
pages 370-372 views

To the 70th Anniversary of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolay Ivanovich Briko


August 9, 2023 marks the 70th anniversary of the birth of MD, PhD, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Public Health named after. F.F. Erismana, head Department of Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.

Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 2023;78(4):373-374
pages 373-374 views