Atopic Dermatitis vs. Eczema. History of Terminology

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Currently, one of the unresolved terminological problems of dermatology is the question of the definition of two diseases — atopic dermatitis and eczema. Moreover, discussions and disputes continue between supporters of the identity of both dermatoses and adherents of their nosological independence. In our work, we have made an attempt to understand not only the definitions of the studied pathological processes, but also to compare their clinical forms in order to objectify the terminology used. It can be concluded that representatives of foreign dermatological Schools of the XIX and the first half of the XX century, using the terms "eczema", "diathesis pruritus", "neurodermatitis" and "atopic dermatitis", implied the same pathological process. While our domestic predecessors clearly defined the definitions of these two independent nosologies, denoting, respectively, unambiguous terms — "eczema" and "atopic dermatitis". From the point of view of etiopathogenesis in Russia, eczema is considered as a dermatosis due to acquired hypersensitivity to external factors, while in atopic dermatitis this hypersensitivity is congenital. Domestic dermatovenerologists, based on modern ideas about the etiology and pathogenesis, genetic and immunological factors, as well as the nature of the clinical picture, use unambiguous definitions for two separate dermatological nosologies — "eczema" and "atopic dermatitis", preserving the traditions of the Russian dermatovenerological School for the benefit of the development of Russian science and the health of our patients.

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About the authors

Nikolay N. Potekaev

Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology; Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Pirogov Medical University)

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9578-5490
SPIN-code: 8862-5688

MD, PhD, Professor

Russian Federation, 17 Leninskiy Prospect, 119071, Moscow; 1, Moskvorechye str., 115578 Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig.1. Robert Villan (1757–1812)

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3. Fig.2. Ferdinand von Hebra (1816–1880)

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4. Fig.3. Alphonse Devergie (1798–1879)

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5. Fig.4. Serous wells in acute eczema

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6. Fig.5. Manual "Diseases of the Skin" by W. Jamison, published by the General Medical Directorate (1894)

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7. Rice. 6. Seborrheic eczema of Unna in the Russian edition of the atlas of skin diseases by E. Jacobi (1910)

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8. Fig.7. Sergei Timofeevich Pavlov (1897–1971)

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9. Fig.8. Ernest Henry Besnier (1831–1909)

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10. Fig.9. Lucius Duncan Bulkeley (1845–1928)

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11. Fig. 10. Robert Albert Cook (1880–1960)

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12. Fig. 11. Arthur Fernandez Coca (1875–1959)

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13. Fig. 12. Fred Wise (1881–1950)

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14. Fig. 13. Marion Baldur Sulzberger (1895–1983)

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15. Fig. 14. Swedish researchers Gunnar Johansson and Hans Bennig who discovered IgE in 1967 (A) and 50 years later - in 2017 (B)

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16. Fig. 15. Alexey Ivanovich Pospelov (1846–1916)

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17. Fig. 16. A guide to the study of skin diseases for doctors and students A.I. Pospelov (1905)

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18. Fig. 17. Pyotr Vasilievich Nikolsky (1858–1940)

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19. Fig. 18. Pavel Semenovich Grigoriev (1879–1940)

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20. Fig. 19. Structure of skin diseases according to P.S. Grigoriev (1920–1930)

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21. Fig.20. Lev Nikolaevich Mashkilleyson (1898–1964)

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22. Rice. 21. The share of eczema in the structure of dermatological diseases according to world (A) and Moscow (B) statistics

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23. Fig.22. The share of atopic dermatitis in the structure of dermatological diseases according to world (A) and Moscow (B) statistics

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24. Fig.23. Frequency of mentions of the terms “atopic dermatitis,” “eczema,” and “atopic eczema” in MEDLINE, 1945–2015.

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