- Authors: Kuznetsov V.A.1, Yaroslavskaya E.I.1, Gorbatenko E.A.1, Varshavchik M.V.1, Krinochkin D.V.1, Kolunin G.V.1, Karpov R.S.2
- Tyumen Cardiology Centre, Branch of the Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch of RAMS, Tyumen, Russian Federation
- Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch of RAMS, Tomsk, Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 68, No 9 (2013)
- Pages: 27-31
- Published:
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 145
Cite item
Full Text
Aim of the study: the study aimed to reveal the sign of coronary atherosclerosis absence using the factor analysis in patients referred for the coronary angiography. Patients and methods: 9409 patients suspected stable coronary artery disease (CAD) or with confirmed diagnosis of CAD from the «Registry of provided coronary angiography» were included in the study. Results of the study: principal factor described about 59% of the variation and included the burdens of 4 parameters (gender, smoking, significant coronary atherosclerosis and hypothyroidism) and was interpreted as factor of coronary atherosclerosis. Conclusions: it was found that the absence of coronary stenosis was associated with female gender, non-smoking status and hypothyroidism.
About the authors
V. A. Kuznetsov
Tyumen Cardiology Centre, Branch of the Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch of RAMS, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
PhD, director, Head of the science division of instrumental methods of research of the Branch of Federal State Budgetary Institution «Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology» under the Siberian Branch of RAMS «Tyumen Cardiology Center» Address: 111, Melnikayte St., Tyumen, 625026, tel.: (3452) 20-76-08 Россия
E. I. Yaroslavskaya
Tyumen Cardiology Centre, Branch of the Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch of RAMS, Tyumen, Russian Federation
MD, senior research scientist of the instrumental diagnostics laboratory the science division of instrumental methods of research of the Branch of FSBI «Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology» under the Siberian Branch of RAMS «Tyumen Cardiology Center», physician of ultrasonic diagnosis. Address: 111, Melnikayte St., Tyumen, 625026, tel.: (3452) 20-76-08 Россия
E. A. Gorbatenko
Tyumen Cardiology Centre, Branch of the Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch of RAMS, Tyumen, Russian Federation
research assistant of the instrumental diagnostics laboratory the science division of instrumental methods of research of the Branch of FSBI «Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology» under the Siberian Branch of RAMS «Tyumen Cardiology Center». Address: 111, Melnikayte St., Tyumen, 625026, tel.: (3452) 20-76-08 Россия
M. V. Varshavchik
Tyumen Cardiology Centre, Branch of the Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch of RAMS, Tyumen, Russian Federation
endocrinologist of the Branch of FSBI «Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology» under the Siberian Branch of RAMS «Tyumen Cardiology Center». Address: 111, Melnikayte St., Tyumen, 625026, tel.: (3452) 40-97-16 Россия
D. V. Krinochkin
Tyumen Cardiology Centre, Branch of the Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch of RAMS, Tyumen, Russian Federation
MD, senior research scientist of the instrumental diagnostics laboratory the science division of instrumental methods of research of the Branch of FSBI «Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology» under the Siberian Branch of RAMS «Tyumen Cardiology Center» Address: 111, Melnikayte St., Tyumen, 625026, tel.: (3452) 75-97-22 Россия
G. V. Kolunin
Tyumen Cardiology Centre, Branch of the Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch of RAMS, Tyumen, Russian Federation
senior research scientist of the instrumental diagnostics laboratory the science division of instrumental methods of research, head of department of X-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment No. 2 of the Branch of of FSBI «Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology» under the Siberian Branch of RAMS «Tyumen Cardiology Center». Address: 111, Melnikayte St., Tyumen, 625026, tel.: (3452) 20-76-08 Россия
R. S. Karpov
Institute of Cardiology, Siberian Branch of RAMS, Tomsk, Russian Federation
member of RAMS, director of FSBI «Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology» under the Siberian Branch of RAMS. Address: 111A, Kievskaya St., Tomsk, 634012, tel.: (3822) 55-34-49, e-mail: Россия
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