- Authors: Konenkov V.I.1, Prokof'ev V.F.1, Shevchenko A.V.1, Chernyavskii A.M.2, Karas'kov A.M.2
- Scientific Research Institute of Clinical And Experimental Limfology RAMS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
- Scientific Research Institute of a Pathology of Blood Circulation named after E.N. Meshalkin of the Health Ministries of Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 68, No 9 (2013)
- Pages: 15-21
- Published:
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 143
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About the authors
V. I. Konenkov
Scientific Research Institute of Clinical And Experimental Limfology RAMS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
PhD, professor, member of RAMS, Head of the Clinical Immunogenetics Laboratory, director of the Scientific Research Institute of clinical and experimental lymphology under the Siberian Branch of RAMS. Address: 2, Timakova St., Novosibirsk, 630117, tel.: (383) 227-01-94 Россия
V. F. Prokof'ev
Scientific Research Institute of Clinical And Experimental Limfology RAMS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
MD, leading research scientist of the Clinical Immunogenetics Laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute of clinical and experimental lymphology under the Siberian Branch of RAMS. Address: 2, Timakova St., Novosibirsk, 630117, tel.: (383) 227-01-94 Россия
A. V. Shevchenko
Scientific Research Institute of Clinical And Experimental Limfology RAMS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
MD, senior research scientist of the Clinical Immunogenetics Laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute of clinical and experimental lymphology under the Siberian Branch of RAMS. Address: 2, Timakova St., Novosibirsk, 630117, tel.: (383) 227-01-94 Россия
A. M. Chernyavskii
Scientific Research Institute of a Pathology of Blood Circulation named after E.N. Meshalkin of the Health Ministries of Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
PhD, professor, Head of the Center of Aortic Surgery, coronary and peripheral arteries of the Federal State Budgetary Institution E. N. Meshalkin Scientific Research Institute of circulation pathology of The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Address: 15, Rechkunovskaya St., Novosibirsk, 630055, tel.: (383) 332-47-58 Россия
A. M. Karas'kov
Scientific Research Institute of a Pathology of Blood Circulation named after E.N. Meshalkin of the Health Ministries of Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
PhD, professor, member of RAMS, director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution E. N. Meshalkin Scientific Research Institute of circulation pathology of The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Address: 15, Rechkunovskaya St., Novosibirsk, 630055, tel.: (383) 332-47-58 Россия
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