- Authors: Skrebitskii V.G.1, Shtark M.B.1
- Research Center of Neurology Russian Academy of medical Science, Moscow Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics Siberian Division of RAMS, Novosibirsk
- Issue: Vol 67, No 9 (2012)
- Pages: 39-44
- Published: 10.09.2012
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 266
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Plasticity of the nervous system is determined by the modification of efficacy of synaptic transmission: long- term potentiation and long- term depression. Different modern technical approaches such as: registration of ionic currents in single neuron, molecular- genetic analysis, neurovisualization, and others reveal the molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. The understanding of these mechanisms, in its turn, stimulates the development of methods of pharmacological correction of different forms of brain pathology such as Alzheimer disease, parkinsonism, alcoholism, aging and others.
About the authors
V. G. Skrebitskii
Research Center of Neurology Russian Academy of medical Science, MoscowInstitute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics Siberian Division of RAMS, Novosibirsk
Author for correspondence.
доктор биологических наук, профессор, член-корр. РАН и РАМН, заведующий лабораторией функциональной синаптологии отдела исследований мозга ФГБУ «НЦН» РАМН Адрес: 125319, Москва, ул. Черняховского, д. 4/7 Тел./факс: (495) 917-23-82 Россия
M. B. Shtark
Research Center of Neurology Russian Academy of medical Science, MoscowInstitute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics Siberian Division of RAMS, Novosibirsk
доктор биологических наук , профессор, академик РАМН, руководитель отдела физики и биоинженерии Института молекулярной биологии и биофизики Адрес: 630117, Новосибирск, ул. Тимакова, д. 2 Тел./факс: (383)335-98-47 Россия
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