- Authors: Podoprigora G.I.1
- Research Institute of Cytochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Moscow, Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 68, No 6 (2013)
- Pages: 26-33
- Published:
- URL: https://vestnikramn.spr-journal.ru/jour/article/view/175
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15690/vramn.v68i6.670
- ID: 175
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Mononuclear-phagocyte system plays an important role in natural immunity and nonspecific resistance reactions of the organism against infection. The experimental studies using conventional laboratory animals with uncontrolled microflora have certain limitations to fully appreciate the role of autoflora (microbiota) in both development and functional activity of mononuclear-phagocyte system. In the present review of the author’ systemic studies the value of microbiologically controlled animals (gnotobiotes) showing the multifaceted role of microbial factor on various manifistations of mononuclear-phagocyte system including phagocytic activity of the cells of both ageing aspects and pathology conditions (inflammation, burns), influence on the colonization resistance and barrier function against translocations of microorganisms from the intestines, temperature reactions and other host defense mechanisms to infection are demonstrated. In a complex body defence, activity of both cellular and humoral factors is being stimulated and modulated by microbiotic factor. Gnotobiotic modeling approach is prospective one for modeling and analysis of molecular and cellular mechanisms in an assessment of the «host-microbiota» interactions, evaluating the effectiveness of new probiotic candidates and further microbial control development in the clinical settings.
About the authors
G. I. Podoprigora
Research Institute of Cytochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Moscow, Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
Email: gipodoprigora@yandex.ru
PhD, Professor, Full Member of Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation, Director of Research Institute of Cytochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Address: 115404, Moscow, 6th Radialnaya St., 24/14; tel.: (495) 327-49-87 Россия
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