Diagnostic and Prognostic Possibilities of the Redox-Potential Electrochemical Measurements in Blood Plasma
- Authors: Sergienko V.I.1, Khubutiya M.S.2, Evseev A.K.3, Pinchuk A.V.2, Novruzbekov M.S.2, Lutsyk K.N.2, Gol'din M.M.2
- Scientific Research Institute of Physical-Chemical Medicine
- N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency
- D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
- Issue: Vol 70, No 6 (2015)
- Pages: 627-632
- Published: 09.12.2015
- URL: https://vestnikramn.spr-journal.ru/jour/article/view/572
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15690/vramn572
- ID: 572
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Aims: Determination of operating characteristics of the test based on blood plasma redox potential monitoring in patients with different pathological conditions associated with impaired oxygen metabolism during treatment in postoperative period and expanding the range of parameters of the developed method of investigation of blood plasma redox potential.
Methods: It were examined healthy volunteers group as following group (n =63), groups of patients with transplanted liver (n =64), kidney (n =59), and lungs (n =7). Redox potential measurements were done by platinum electrode, reference electrode was silver-chlorine one. Potentiostate IPC-ProL was used to registrate and record a dependence redox potential via time. Time of measurement was 15 min.
Results: statistically significant differencees of redox potentials ranges was found in healthy volunteers and patients with transplanted kidney and liver. Ratio of measured redox potentials coincident with the values within the confidence interval in healthy volunteers was 12% in patients with transplanted kidney and 10% in patients with transplanted liver. We observed significant differences in the nature of changes of blood plasma's redox potential values in course of monitoring of subgroups of patients with and without complications after liver transplantation. It was found that sensitivity of electrochemical method was 85%, selectivity — 69,8%, precision — 85,2%.
Conclusion: we discovered value ranges of blood plasma redox potential typical for different pathological states; we detected an interaction between the effect of treatment and quantitative changes in the values of the blood plasma redox potentials; criterion for early predicition of complications in patients with transplanted liver was proposed basing on redox potential monitoring during postoperative period.
About the authors
Valeriy Ivanovich Sergienko
Scientific Research Institute of Physical-Chemical Medicine
Author for correspondence.
Email: niifhm@fmbamail.ru
MD, PhD, Professor Россия
Mogeli Shalvovich Khubutiya
N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency
Email: sklifos@inbox.ru
MD, PhD, Professor Россия
Anatoliy Konstantinovich Evseev
D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
Email: anatolevseev@gmail.com
PhD Россия
Aleksey Valer'evich Pinchuk
N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency
Email: avpin@rambler.ru
MD, PhD Россия
Murad Saftarovich Novruzbekov
N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency
Email: NMS@bk.ru
MD, PhD Россия
Konstantin Nikolaevich Lutsyk
N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency
Email: s.urg@mail.ru
MD, PhD Россия
Mark Mikhaylovich Gol'din
N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency
Email: markmgold@gmail.com
PhD, Professor Россия
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