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One of the reasons of dramatic situation with tuberculosis in Russia is untimely diagnostics of tuberculosis. The aim of the study was to identify the causes of diagnostic mistakes when we deal with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis at current stage and to modernize the diagnostic process. The analysis of the diagnostic activity of the consultative diagnostic center of Central Tuberculosis Research Institute of Russian Academy Medical Sciences for 2011 was performed with special attention on the results of the survey of 505 patients with pulmonary dissemination. The frequency of discrepancies of disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis diagnostics was 96,1%. Based on the studies carried out the main causes diagnostic mistakes in patients with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis were determined. New directions of improving of tuberculosis diagnostics were developed: overall high-technology examination of patient, adherence to the diagnostic procedure, developed by consultative diagnostic center of Central Tuberculosis Research Institute(CTRI), timely performing fiber-optic bronchoscopy with complex biopsy and diagnostic surgery procedures, further training of primary health care doctors. Implementation of proposed activities will significantly (by 3–5 times) reduce the time for diagnostics of respiratory system disease.


About the authors

O. V. Demikhova

Central Tuberculosis Research Institute of Russian Academy Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Email: demikhova@mail.ru
доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заместитель директора ФГБУ «ЦНИИТ» РАМН Адрес: 107564, Москва, Яузская аллея, д. 2 Tел.: (499) 785-91-59 Россия

N. L. Karpina

Central Tuberculosis Research Institute of Russian Academy Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

Email: natalya-karpina@rambler.ru
доктор медицинских наук, заведующая консультативно-поликлиническим отделе- нием ФГБУ «ЦНИИТ» РАМН Адрес: 107564, Москва, Яузская аллея, д. 2 Tел.: (499) 785-90-26 Россия

L. N. Lepekha

Central Tuberculosis Research Institute of Russian Academy Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

Email: lep3@yandex.ru
профессор, доктор биологических наук, заведующая лабораторией патоморфологии ФГБУ ЦНИИТ РАМН Адрес: 107564, Москва, Яузская аллея, д. 2 Tел.: (499) 785-91-79 Россия

M. A. Bagirov

Central Tuberculosis Research Institute of Russian Academy Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

Email: cniit@cniitramn.ru
доктор медицинских наук, заведующий отделом легочной хирургии ФГБУ «ЦНИИТ» РАМН Адрес: 107564, Москва, Яузская аллея, д. 2 Tел.: (499) 785-90-76 Россия

R. B. Amansakhedov

Central Tuberculosis Research Institute of Russian Academy Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

Email: rasul.amansahedov@mail.ru
кандидат медицинских наук, старший научный сотрудник клинико- диагностического отдела ФГБУ «ЦНИИТ» РАМН Адрес: 107564, Москва, Яузская аллея, д. 2 Tел.: (499) 785-90-36 Россия


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