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Up to date there is a narrow and broad interpretation of the term biological safety (BS) the world over. In the narrow sense it is defined as availability of international regulations applied to diagnostic, manufacturing, or experimental works with pathogenic biological agents (PBA) in accordance with specified levels of biological hazard and BS. In a broader context it has no national, conceptual, terminological or defying basis. Therewith, establishment of this framework has become the core issue of the study. Investigations have revealed that BS should conceptually cover the whole sphere of sanitary-and-epidemiological welfare as well as related fields such as veterinary-sanitary, phytosanitary provision, ecological safety, environmental conditions (occupational, socio-economic and geopolitical infrastructures, ecological system), and be exercised to prevent and control emergency situations (ES) of biological character. It is demonstrated that this type of ES differs from ES in the sphere of public health care of international concern which is formalized in IHR (2005), in the way that it is characterized by high socio-economic and geopolitical significance of the negative influence on human vital activities, comparable with national and international security hazard. Elaborated is the conceptual, terminological and defying toolkit of the BS broad interpretation (27 terms).


About the authors

G. G. Onishchenko

Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumers Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Moscow, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
PhD, professor, member of RAMS, Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare. Address: build. 5 and 7, 18, Vadkovskii Court, Moscow, 127994, tel.: (499) 973-26-90 Россия

V. Yu. Smolenskii

Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumers Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Moscow, Russian Federation

MD, Head of the scientific maintenance board of sanitation and epidemiological people welfare and international activity of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare. Address: build. 5 and 7, 18, Vadkovskii Court, Moscow, 127994, tel.: (499) 973-26-93 Россия

E. B. Ezhlova

Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumers Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Moscow, Russian Federation

MD, Head of the epidemiological surveillance board of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare. Address: build. 5 and 7, 18, Vadkovskii Court, Moscow, 127994, tel.: (499) 973-18-67 Россия

Yu. V. Demina

Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumers Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Moscow, Russian Federation

MD, deputy head of the epidemiological surveillance board of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare. Address: build. 5 and 7, 18, Vadkovskii Court, Moscow, 127994, tel.: (499) 973-27-17 Россия

V. P. Toporkov

Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute «Microbe», Saratov, Russian Federation

PhD, professor, Head of the epidemiology department of the Federal State Healthcare Institution “Russian Scientific Research Antiplague Institute “Microbe”. Address: 46, Universitetskaya St., Saratov, 410005, tel.: (8452) 73-46-48 Россия

A. V. Toporkov

Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute «Microbe», Saratov, Russian Federation

PhD, deputy director in scientific and antiepidemic work of the Federal State Healthcare Institution “Russian Scientific Research Antiplague Institute “Microbe”. Address: 46, Universitetskaya St., Saratov, 410005, tel.: (8452) 51-54-43 Россия

M. N. Lyapin

Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute «Microbe», Saratov, Russian Federation

MD, Head of the Laboratory of biosafety of the Federal State Healthcare Institution “Russian Scientific Research Antiplague Institute “Microbe”. Address: 46, Universitetskaya St., Saratov, 410005, tel.: (8452) 73-46-48 Россия

V. V. Kutyrev

Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute «Microbe», Saratov, Russian Federation

PhD, professor, member of RAMS, director of the Federal State Healthcare Institution “Russian Scientific Research Antiplague Institute “Microbe”. Address: 46, Universitetskaya St., Saratov, 410005, tel.: (8452) 26-21-31 Россия


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