Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Mitochondrial Function in Children with Traumatic Brain Injury

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Backgraund: It is known that mitochondria play an important role in the mechanisms of brain cells damage and death following traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, the relationship between the severity of brain damage following TBI and mitochondrial dysfunction are not well defined. 

Aim: to study activities of NADN- and succinate dehydrogenases, a key enzyme of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in children with TBI of varying severity and different outcomes; to detect ATP content in lymphocytes; the level of NOx and 3-nitrotyrosine in serum and plasma. 

Methods: all parameters were determined in the dynamics of one month following TBI, and in some cases up to the death of patients. The severity of TBI was scored by Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), the outcome of TBI — Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS). Based on the clinical examination children with TBI were divided into 3 groups: (1) mild TBI; (2) severe TBI and (3) severe TBI with fatal outcome. 

Results: we found that activity of dehydrogenases is significantly reduced only in patients with the poor neurologic outcome. The greatest decrease in these parameters was observed in patients with severe traumatic brain injury and fatal outcome. A direct correlation was found between the indices of dehydrogenases activity and ATP content in lymphocytes (r =0.97, p =0.005). The levels of NOx metabolites and 3-nitrotyrosine were significantly increased in children with severe TBI. 

Conclusion: obtained results suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired cerebral energy metabolism and oxidative stress contribute to cell death in the brain and thus represent therapeutic targets for the treatment of TBI.

About the authors

Rustam Shakirovich Zakirov

Scientific Centre of Children Health

MD Russian Federation

Elena Gennad'evana Sorokina

Scientific Centre of Children Health

PhD Russian Federation

Ol'ga Vital'evna Karaseva

Institute of Urgent Children Surgery and Traumatology

MD, PhD Russian Federation

Zhanna Borisovna Semenova

Scientific Centre of Children Health; Institute of Urgent Children Surgery and Traumatology

MD, PhD Russian Federation

Svetlana Valentinovna Petrichuk

Scientific Centre of Children Health

PhD, Professor Russian Federation

Leonid Mikhaylovich Roshal'

Scientific Centre of Children Health; Institute of Urgent Children Surgery and Traumatology

MD, PhD, Professor Russian Federation

Vsevolod Grigor'evich Pinelis

Scientific Centre of Children Health

Author for correspondence.
MD, PhD, Professor Russian Federation


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