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Background: Goal of the research was to study occurrence frequency of impacted teeth, to develop rational methods of diagnostics and treatment of denotalveolar and facial anomalies caused by impacted teeth. Patients and methods: From 1989 for 2013 period of time 7172 patients with dentoalveolar anomalies, referred to our clinic for the orthodontic help were surveyed. Results: At 899 (12,53±0,39%) patients it is revealed 1405 impacted teeth, from them on the maxilla — 623, on mandible — 752 teeth. The most widespread impacted teeth on the maxilla were canines, on the mandible — the second premolars and the third molars. Treatment of impacted teeth by stimulation of their eruption by low-frequency ultrasound with a frequency of fluctuations of 26,5 kHz, intensity of 1 W/cm, with an amplitude of 40–60 microns and wave of 0,012 m long, daily or within 1 days, with period of 3–10 seconds with the course of treatment averaging 1–5 procedures, until a tooth eruption is carried out. Conclusion: The way of stimulation developed by us for late erupted impacted permanent teeth on the basis of application physiologic for an organism low-frequency ultrasound promotes increase of efficiency and reduction of treatment terms of dentoalveolar and facial anomalies. The received positive results allow to recommend this method for adoption in orthodontic practice.

About the authors

Z. V. Gasimova

Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

Author for correspondence.

кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры стоматологии Азербайджанского медицинского университета
Адрес: AZ 1022, Баку, ул. А. Бакиханова, д. 23, тел.: +9 (9412) 430-05-12



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