- Authors: Kirsanova A.Y.1
- Russian Ilizarov Scientific Centre of Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Kurgan, Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 69, No 9-10 (2014)
- Pages: 95-101
- Published:
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 394
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Objective: Our aim was to determine the dynamics of reparative tissue changes in the surgical treatment of hip dysplasia it using autograft in conditions of use external fixation. Methods: The experiment was performed on 12 mongrel dogs of both sexes between the ages of 7 to 15 months. Preliminary data of the animals (before the closure of the growth zones of the acetabulum) was performed surgery to obtain acetabular dysplasia. After the formation of the standard pattern of dysplastic 2 degree (subluxation) was performed according to the animal treatment, which combined the use of a semicircular incomplete osteotomy in the supra-acetabular area, an autologous bone graft and the Ilizarov external fixation. The conditions of external fixation provided autograft stability, simultaneous unloading of the articular surfaces and allowed for dosed joint motion during the treatment by releasing the hinge units thus contributing to the prevention of cartilage degeneration. The external apparatuses were dismounted on day 21 after the operation. The animals for histological study were euthanized on day 14, 21, 51 and 111 after the operation. We used clinical and experimental, radiographic and histological methods. Results: It is found that after 90 days after the frame removal there is a complete replacement of the newly formed bone graft. This maintains a full cartilaginous acetabular coverage presented hyaline cartilage, which revealed minor structural and functional changes in reactive and reparative nature. Conclusion: The hip joint has a high adaptive potential. There is a strong trend towards the restoration of hip joint in new conditions created by an external fixation device. Nevertheless, given the suppression of its own regenerative capabilities of the articular cartilage at the dysplastic process, its maximum possible recovery in the treatment is impossible without the participation of external stimulants chondrogenesis.
About the authors
A. Yu. Kirsanova
Russian Ilizarov Scientific Centre of Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Kurgan, Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
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