Autoantibodies to Neuropeptides in the Different States of Opium Addiction

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Background: During the last years the addiction rate remains stable high. While the neurochemical drug effect remains unclear.

Aims: To analyze the changes of the idiotypic (аАТ1) and anti-idiotypic (аАТ2) autoantibodies to the neuroproteins S100, MBP, GFAP, NGF on the different stages of opium addiction and to indicate prognosis criteria of their effect.

Materials and methods: 70 patients (only men, aged 22−38) with diagnosis opium addiction underwent examination. According to the results of testing, we detected the intoxication in 24 patients, withdrawal ― in 24, and 22 patients were at remission stage of 21−28 days. The control group included only healthy people (n=18). The survey was focused on the rate detection of the idiotypic and anti-idiotypic IgG class antibodies in relation to the rate of neural proteins (S100, MBP, GFAP, NGF) in the serum with the IEA.

Results: in patients with opium intoxication, we revealed statistical assurance in the rate of autoantibodies amount and their counterweights to the neural proteins rate between control and experimental groups. Only the rate of the аАТ2 protein significantly decreased relatively to the MBP. In patients with abstinence, the rate of аАТ1 to the MBP, GFAP (р≤0,05) increased. The rate of аАТ2 in relation to the GFAP and MBP also increased (р≤0,05), at the same time it decreased in relation to the S100 and NGF (р≤0,05). The autoantibodies amount at the remission stage corresponded to the amount at the intoxication stage. The comparative analysis of the patient groups with the different stages of opium addiction detected the identity criteria both in the intoxication and remission. We revealed statistical assurance in the rates of аАТ1 to MBP and аАТ2 to NGF in patients with intoxication and abstinence, and in the rates of аАТ1 to GFAP, MBP, and аАТ2 to GFAP (decreased in the remission) and to S100, MBP (increased in the remission) in patients with abstinence and at remission.

Conclusion: Levels of idiotypic and anti-idiotypic antibodies to the neural proteins S100, MBP, GFAP, NGF (especially аАТ2 to MPB) could be used as diagnostic factor and for accessing different states of opium addiction.

About the authors

V. A. Sharkova

Pacific State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8489-5475
Vladivostok Russian Federation

I. A. Kovalev

Pacific State Medical University;
Regional narcological clinic

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5787-5233
Vladivostok Russian Federation

A. Yu. Shivanova

Pacific State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4559-5979
Vladivostok Russian Federation


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