Gender Features of Radical Oxidation of Lipids in Menopausal Women and Men in Andropause
- Authors: Kolesnikova L.I.1, Madaeva I.M.1, Semenova N.V.1, Osipova E.V.1, Darenskaya M.A.1
- Scientific Centre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Irkutsk
- Issue: Vol 71, No 3 (2016)
- Published: 18.05.2016
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 629
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Aims: Our aim was to assess lipid peroxidation ― antioxidant protection in menopausal women and men in andropause and to compare these processes in different gender and age groups.
Materials and methods:74 women and 37 men were examined. This study was a prospective, randomized cohort study. Women were divided into perimenopausal group (n=22, mean age 49.03±3.13), postmenopausal group (n=15, mean age 54.43±4.54) and control (n=37, mean age 34±1.2). Men were divided into a group of andropause (n=20, mean age 50.38±2.63) and control (n=17, mean age 35.21±4.75). Body mass index in the main and control groups was comparable. Questionnaires, clinical examination, assessment of the lipid peroxidation-antioxidant defense system, and the calculation of oxidative stress ratio were conducted to all participants of the study.
Results: In women from the reproductive phase transition to its extinction increases content of compounds with conjugated double bonds by 22% (p<0.05) in perimenopause and by 27% (p<0.05) in postmenopause, increases content of the ketodienes and coupled trienes by 21% (p<0.05) in perimenopause relative to the control group and reduced by 27% (p<0.05) in postmenopausal women relative to the group of perimenopause. The antioxidant system in women observed the following changes: decrease in the α-tocopherol levels in postmenopausal women by 37% relative to control and by 22% (p<0.05) to compare perimenopause; reduction of retinol level by 29% (p<0.05) in the perimenopause and by 39% (p<0.05) in postmenopause relative to control, increasing of the content of GSSG by 18% (p<0.05) in postmenopause to compare control. When comparing groups of men statistically significant differences were not found. When comparing the groups according to gender, we revealed in men the increased content of compounds with conjugated double bonds by 38% (p<0.05), the GSSG by 13% (p<0.05), reduced content of the ketodienes and coupled trienes by 43% (p<0,05), α-tocopherol by 24% (p<0.05), SOD activity by 9% (p<0.05).Coefficient oxidative stress in perimenopausal women was 2,5, in postmenopausal ― 3,48, in andropause ― 0,97.
Conclusions: Expressed lipid peroxidation activity is more physiological in andropause than in menopause. Men in andropause have large functional reserves and adaptive capacity than menopausal women.
About the authors
L. I. Kolesnikova
Scientific Centre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Irkutsk
Author for correspondence.
Член-корреспондент РАН, научный руководитель
Адрес: 664003, Иркутск, ул. Тимирязева, д. 16
РоссияI. M. Madaeva
Scientific Centre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Irkutsk
Доктор медицинских наук, ведущий научный сотрудник лаборатории патофизиологии
SPIN-код 9869-7793
РоссияN. V. Semenova
Scientific Centre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Irkutsk
Кандидат биологических наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории патофизиологии
E. V. Osipova
Scientific Centre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Irkutsk
Доктор биологических наук, главный научный сотрудник лаборатории патофизиологии
M. A. Darenskaya
Scientific Centre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Irkutsk
Доктор биологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник лаборатории патофизиологии ФГБНУ «НЦ ПЗСРЧ»
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