The analysis of efficacy of the use of inhibitor interleukin-1 in the complex therapy of secondary osteoarthritis taking into account the dynamics of clinical and functional indicators
- Authors: Starodubtseva I.A.1, Vasilieva L.V.1, Nikitin A.V.1
- N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University, Voronezh
- Issue: Vol 71, No 2 (2016)
- Pages: 141-147
- Published: 05.02.2016
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 580
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Backgraund: Secondary osteoarthritis (OA) adversely affects an underlying disease and can enhance clinical manifestations of articular syndrome. Early detection of comorbid pathology and early treatment with the therapy of underlying condition is of primary importance to preserve adequate functional activity in patients.
The Aims to analyze the efficacy of the use of inhibitor of interleukin -1 in the complex treatment of secondary OA in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Materials and methods: 248 patients with secondary OA in RA were divided in 4 groups: patients of group I (n=62) took inhibitor of interleukin-1 (50mg x 2 times per day) in combination with laser therapy on the basis of methotrexate (10-20 mg per week), group II (n=60) received inhibitor of interleukin-1 in complex with methotrexate, in group III (n=62)-laser therapy with methotrexate and in group 4 – methotrexate. The analysis of treatment efficacy we estimated in 3 and 6 months according to the dynamics of pain on VAS, indexes HAQ and KOOS.
Results: group 1 showed statistical significant reduction of pain on VAS on movement after 3 and 6 months on 28,53 mm (43,6%) and 31,3 мм (48%) accordingly, to values 36,87±1,56* и 33,11±1,11* (p<0,05). It was noted the statistical significant advantages of HAQ dynamics in group I in comparison with groups II, III, IV (p=0,03). The most prominent statistical significant (p=0,02) significant advantages according to the dynamics of index KOOS it was noted in groups of patients who took diacerein (I and II) after 6 months complex treatment.
Conclusions: the involvement of inhibitor of interleukin -1 in the complex treatment of secondary OA in patients with RA contributes to clinical improvement according to VAS (p=0,03), index KOOS, that shows functional condition of the knee and increase the quality of life by index HAQ (p=0,03) after 6 months therapy.
About the authors
I. A. Starodubtseva
N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University, Voronezh
Author for correspondence.
PhD, Postdoctoral Research Fellow Department of Internal Diseases Россия
L. V. Vasilieva
N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University, Voronezh
MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Department on Internal Diseases
РоссияA. V. Nikitin
N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University, Voronezh
MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Department
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