Cover Page
  • Authors: Starodubov V.I.1, Kuznetsov S.L.2, Kurakova N.G.3, Tsvetkova L.A.4, Aref'ev P.G.5, Ivanov A.V.6, Eremchenko O.A.7
  • Affiliations:
    1. Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Moscow Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
    2. Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
    3. Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation
    4. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation
    5. National Training Foundation, Moscow, Russian Federation
    6. Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Moscow, Russian Federation
    7. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Issue: Vol 68, No 3 (2013)
  • Pages: 8-14
  • Section: EDITORIAL
  • Published:
  • URL:
  • DOI:
  • ID: 199

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A comprehensive review of National research policy papers issued over the past 6 years was carried out. A set of problems concerning the quality of predicted values of some bibliometric indicators reflecting the level of research performance and publication activity that were declared in governmental documents was discussed. Basic metrics of scientific performance that should be required to achieve the goals declared in the recent governmental policy papers including President’s Executive Order № 599 of May 7, 2012 (increasing the share of Russian researchers’ publications in the total number of publications in international scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science up to 2,44% in 2015). Taking into account the current structure of modern global science in which papers in biomedical subjects make up for approximately one third of the total world scientific output, it becomes obvious how difficult is the governmental task set up to the researchers — to double the number of journal publications indexed in Web of Science in the short-term period of the nearest three years. The priorities and reasonable goal-oriented efforts to meet the targets are proposed in the paper.


About the authors

V. I. Starodubov

Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Moscow
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation


доктор медицинских наук, академик РАМН, вице-президент РАМН, директор ФГБУ «ЦНИИОИЗ» МЗ РФ
Адрес: 127254, Москва, ул. Добролюбова, д. 11; тел.: (495) 619-00-70 

Russian Federation

S. L. Kuznetsov

Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
доктор медицинских наук, член-корреспондент РАМН, начальник Управления инновационного развития науки РАМН
Адрес: 109240, Москва, ул. Солянка, д. 14; тел.: (495) 698-56-31 Russian Federation

N. G. Kurakova

Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow
All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation

доктор биологических наук, заместитель начальника Управления инновационного развития науки РАМН, заведующая отделением научно-технического прогнозирования в области биомедицины ФГБУ «ЦНИИОИЗ» МЗ РФ
Адрес: 109240, Москва, ул. Солянка, д. 14; тел.: (495) 618-07-92 Russian Federation

L. A. Tsvetkova

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow
All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation

кандидат биологических наук, заведующая сектором научно-информационного обеспечения региональных отделений РАН, ВИНИТИ РАН, главный специалист ФГБУ «ЦНИИОИЗ» МЗ РФ
Адрес: 127254, Москва, ул. Добролюбова, д. 11; тел.: (495) 618-07-92 Russian Federation

P. G. Aref'ev

National Training Foundation, Moscow, Russian Federation

главный специалист Департамента развития профессионального образования и науки Национального фонда подготовки кадров
Адрес: 123022, Москва, ул. 1905 года, д. 7, стр. 1; тел.: (495) 937-43-50 (доб. 129) Russian Federation

A. V. Ivanov

Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Moscow, Russian Federation

кандидат медицинских наук, главный специалист ФГБУ «ЦНИИОИЗ» МЗ РФ
Адрес: 127254, Москва, ул. Добролюбова, д. 11; тел.: (495) 618-07-92 Russian Federation

O. A. Eremchenko

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russian Federation


научный сотрудник Центра научно-технологичексой экспертизы РАНХиГС при Президенте РФ
Адрес: 119571, Москва, пр-т Вернадского, д. 82; тел.: (495) 553-74-89 

Russian Federation


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  2. Doklad «O rezul'tatakh i osnovnykh napravleniyakh deyatel'nosti na 2010–2012 g.». Ofitsial'nyi sait Ministerstva nauki i obrazovaniya RF (The report "On the results and main activities in 2010-2012." The official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation). Moscow, 2009. Available at:
  3. Strategiya innovatsionnogo razvitiya Rossiiskoi Federatsii na period do 2020 g. (Utverzhdena rasporyazheniem Pravitel'stva Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 8 dekabrya 2011 g. № 2227-р) (The strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 (approved by the Federal Government of December 8, 2011 № 2227-p)). Moscow, 2011. Available at:
  4. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 7 maya 2012 g. № 599 «O merakh po realizatsii gosudarstvennoi politiki v oblasti obrazovaniya i nauki». Ofitsial'nyi sait Prezidenta Rossii (Directory of the President dated May 7, 2012 № 599 "On measures to implement the state policy in the field of education and science". Official site of the President of Russia). Moscow, 2012. Available at:;1610850.
  5. Programma fundamental'nykh nauchnykh issledovanii v Rossiiskoi Federatsii na dolgosrochnyi period (2013–2020 gg). (Utverzhdena rasporyazheniem Pravitel'stva Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 27 dekabrya 2012 g. 538-r) (The program of basic scientific research in the Russian Federation for the long term (2013-2020). (Approved by the Federal Government on December 27, 2012 538-p)). Moscow, 2012. Available at:
  6. Strategiya razvitiya meditsinskoi nauki v Rossiiskoi Federatsii na period do 2025 g. Ofitsial'nyi sait Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Rossiiskoi Federatsii (Strategy for the development of medical science in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 Official website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation). Moscow, 2012. Available at:
  8. Starodubov V.I., Kuznetsov S.L., Kurakova N.G., Tsvetkova L.A. Available articles of RAMS reserachers in Web of Science: assessment of current performance and prospects of their increase. Vestnik RAMN = Annals of RAMS. 2012; 9: 59–64.

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