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Results of epidemiological studies of thyroid cancer incidence in Russia following the Chernobyl accident are presented in the article. Child population in territories contaminated with radionuclides who got thyroid dose from incorporated 131I above 100–150 mGy, should be referred to a group at radiation risk. Prognostic estimates of increase in thyroid cancer incidence among the population living in close vicinity of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP were made with account for the Chernobyl data and recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection.


About the authors

V. K. Ivanov

Medical Radiological Research Center, Obninsk, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
RAMS cor. member, Deputy Director for Science, Federal State Budgetary Institution Medical Radiological Scientific Center, Chairman of the Russian Scientific Commission of Radiation Protection, Head of the National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry Address: 249036, Kaluga Region., Obninsk, Koroleva St., 4; tel.: (48439) 9-33-90 Россия

A. F. Tsyb

Medical Radiological Research Center, Obninsk, Russian Federation

Director of Federal State Budgetary Institution Medical Radiological Scientific Center, RAMS academician Address: 249036, Kaluga Region., Obninsk, Koroleva St., 4; tel.: (48439) 9-33-90 Россия


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