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Background: Periodontitis is a major reason of tooth loss in people of middle and older age groups that requires more attention of researchers to the problems of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and therapy of the disease. Currently, the interaction of the microbial content of dental plaque and local tissue response is considered to be the main reason for the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases. At the same time, Russian and foreign researchers mark a high frequency of so-called torpid or resistant to antimicrobial therapy forms of periodontitis.

Aim: To study the specific and quantitative composition of a fungi of the Candida genus in the contents of periodontal pockets of patients with varying severity of chronic generalized periodontitis.

Materials and methods: A non-randomized non-controlled retrospective research was conducted. We studied the main clinical and radiological indicators of periodontal status and its contamination with fungi of the Candida genus in people with mild, moderate, or severe chronic periodontitis.

Results: Research participants enrolled in four groups: 1–3 groups included patients with chronic generalized light, medium and heavy periodontitis; group 4 included twenty-five subjects with no signs of periodontal disease. Among the examined patients from the control group, the frequency allocation of Candida from the contents of the gingival sulcus was 9.09%, patients with periodontal pathology of periodontal pockets ― 64.91%. High contamination with fungal flora (more than 6.0 CFU / mL) was observed in all patients with chronic periodontitis. Total allocated 40 strains of Candida with a predominance of Candida albicans.

Conclusions: The results of microbiological research confirmed an increase of contamination of periodontal with fungi of the Candida genus in patients with periodontitis if compared with healthy people. The degree of the contamination with fungi of the Candida genus decreased with increasing severity of periodontitis. It can be assumed that the presence of Candida fungi in the periodontal pocket can be considered as a possible component of the etiology of chronic periodontitis and as a factor aggravating it.

About the authors

G. V. Volchenkova

Smolensk state medical university

Email: gvalentiv@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1687-3645

Docent, Ph.D. of Medical Sciences, Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Additional Professional Education 

SPIN-cod: 1355-6097

Russian Federation

S. V. Kiryushenkova

Smolensk state medical university

Email: svet-kiryusha@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9687-2107

Docent, Ph.D. of Medical Sciences, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Dentistry

SPIN-cod: 9054-7316

Russian Federation

A. I. Nikolaev

Smolensk state medical university

Email: anicolaev@inbox.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1378-6538

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry

SPIN-cod: 2687-8206

Russian Federation

V. R. Shashmurina

Smolensk state medical university

Author for correspondence.
Email: shahmurina@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5216-7521

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Dentistry, Dean of Faculty of Additional Professional Education 

SPIN-cod: 4199-4204

Russian Federation

L. I. Devlikanova

Smolensk state medical university

Email: devlikanova.l@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9367-6664
Assistent, Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Additional Professional Education Russian Federation


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