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Background: Our aim was to investigate the effect of derivatives of GABA and glutamate on the postnatal development of the offspring of rats with experimental preeclampsia. Methods: The experiments were performed on 35 albino female rats aged 57 months, weighing 220240 g, and their offspring in the amount of 284 individuals. Experimental preeclampsia was modeled by replacing the drinking water by 1.8% NaCl solution to pregnant females from 7 to 21 days of gestation. Glutamic acid — compound RSPU-135 at a dose of 26 mg/kg, GABA derivative — compound RSPU-242 at a dose of 23 mg/kg and the reference drug sulodexide in a dose of 30 mg/kg administered to female orally daily, since the 7th day of gestation prior to delivery. Evaluated the physical development of offspring, sensory-motor reflexes, mental functions. Results: It was found that the experimental preeclampsia causes a delay in physical development and maturation of sensory-motor reflexes in the offspring, as indicated by the later periods of eruption of the incisors and eye opening, response to the emergence of audio and olfactory stimuli, forming vestibular stability and coordination of movements compared to pups from females with physiological pregnancy. Offspring from females with experimental preeclampsia were noted for lagging behind in mental development, as evidenced by the decline of the orienting-exploratory activity, learning and memory, increase of anxiety level. Compound RSPU-135, to a greater extent, improves physical development, increases the rate of maturation of sensory-motor reflexes, RSPU-242 — stimulation of cognitive functions, keeping the memory trace, orienting-exploratory, spontaneous locomotor activity, and reduce of anxiety level. Conclusion: The neuroactive amino acid derivatives limit the negative effects of experimental preeclampsia on the offspring.


About the authors

I. N. Turenkov

Volgograd State Medical University, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
PhD, professor, associate fellow of the RAS, head of the department of pharmacology and biopharmacy of the faculty for continuing medical education of VolgSMU. Address: 3a, Pugatcheyovskaya Street, Volgograd, 400001, tel.: + 7 (8442) 97-81- 80 Russian Federation

V. N. Perfilova

Volgograd State Medical University, Russian Federation

PhD senior research associate of the laboratory of pharmacology of cardiovascular agents of the research institute of pharmacology of VolgSMU. Address: 3a, Pugatcheyovskaya Street, Volgograd, 400001, tel.: + 7 (8442) 97-81- 80 Russian Federation

L. I. Mikhailova

Volgograd State Medical University, Russian Federation

postgraduate student of the department of pharmacology and biopharmacy of the faculty for continuing medical education of VolgSMU. Address: 3a, Pugatcheyovskaya Street, Volgograd, 400001, tel.: + 7 (8442) 97-81- 80 Russian Federation

G. A. Zhakupova

Volgograd State Medical University, Russian Federation

MD, doctoral researcher of the department of pharmacology and biopharmacy of the faculty for continuing medical education of VolgSMU. Address: 3a, Pugatcheyovskaya Street, Volgograd, 400001, tel.: + 7 (8442) 97-81- 80 Russian Federation

S. A. Lebedeva

Volgograd State Medical University, Russian Federation

MD, senior research associate of the laboratory of synthesis of antiviral agents of the research institute of pharmacology of VolgSMU. Address: 3a, Pugatcheyovskaya Street, Volgograd, 400001, tel.: + 7 (8442) 97-81- 80 Russian Federation


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