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Представлен обзор результатов собственных исследований и наиболее репрезентативных данных литературы о роли ассоциированных с опухолями протеолитических систем, участвующих в процессах инвазии, метастазирования и ангиогенеза, в диагностике и прогнозировании результатов лечения различных онкологических заболеваний. Основное внимание уделено ключевым матриксным металлопротеиназам (ММП) и их тканевым ингибиторам (ТИМП), а также компонентам системы активации плазминогена (uPA, PAI-1) в опухолях и периферической крови. В собственных исследованиях продемонстрировано повышение уровня экспрессии большинства ММП, uPA и PAI-1 в опухолях у 70–90% больных различными новообразованиями по сравнению с окружающими гистологически неизмененными тканями. Показано, что ММП-7 является перспективным серологическим маркером рака яичников и рака толстой кишки (РТК): уровень его чувствительности при 70% специфичности составляет около 70% для обеих локализаций. Наибольший интерес с клинической точки зрения представляет использование опухоль-ассоциированных протеаз в качестве прогностических факторов. Так, по результатам 5-летнего наблюдения показано, что высокие предоперационные уровни ММП-7 и ТИМП-1 в плазме крови являются независимыми факторами неблагоприятного прогноза РТК, а при однофакторном анализе обнаружено также неблагоприятное прогностическое значение высокого содержания ММП-7 в опухолевой ткани больных с диссеминированным процессом. Значимым фактором прогноза РТК III стадии является уровень PAI-1 в опухоли. В заключительной части обзора рассмотрены возможности использования опухоль-ассоциированных протеаз в качестве мишеней для молекулярно-направленной терапии.


Об авторах

Е. С. Герштейн

РОНЦ им. Н.Н. Блохина РАМН, Москва, Российская Федерация

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Email: esgershtein@gmail.com
PhD, Professor, Leading Research Worker, the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory, N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center of RAMS Address: 115478, Moscow, Kashirskoye Highway 24; tel.: (499) 324-11-59 Россия

Н. Е. Кушлинский

РОНЦ им. Н.Н. Блохина РАМН, Москва, Российская Федерация

Email: biochimia@mtu-net.ru
PhD, Professor, RAMS cor. member, Head of the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory, N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center of RAMS Address: 115478, Moscow, Kashirskoye Highway 24; tel.: (499) 324-11-59 Россия

Список литературы

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  45. Gershtein E.S., Shcherbakov A.M., Kaz'min A.I., Ognerubov N.A., Kushlinskii N.E. Plasminogen activators urokinase and tissue types and their inhibitor PAI-1 in gastric cancer. Voprosy onkologii = Questions of oncology. 2003; 49 (2): 165-169.
  46. Gershtein E.S., Prorokov V.V., Golubchenko O.V., Kushlinskii N.E. Plasminogen activators urokinase and tissue types and their inhibitor PAI-1 in colon cancer: relationship with the main clinical and morphological factors. Vestnik Rossiiskogo onkologicheskogo nauchnogo tsentra im NN Blokhina RAMN = Bulletin of the Russian Cancer Research Center NN Blokhin. 2002 (2):31-36.
  47. Gershtein E.S., Medvedeva S.V., Babkina I.V., Kushlinskii N.E., Trapeznikov N.N. activators urokinase and tissue types and their inhibitor PAI-1 in melanomas and benign pigmented skin lesions. Byull eksp biol med = Bulletin of experimental and biological medicine. 2001; 132(7):71-76.
  48. Gershtein E.S., Kushlinskii N.E., Talaeva Sh.Zh., Sandybaev M.N. Clinical role of plasminogen activation system in human tumors. Molekulyarnaya meditsina = Molecular Medicine. 2007(1):4-8.
  49. Gershtein E.S., Gritsaenko E.V., Shcherbakov M.E., Shcherbakov A.M., Ognerubov N.A., Kushlinskii N.E. Vascular endothelial growth factor and components of plasminogen activation system in cancer and endometrial hyperplasia. Voprosy onkologii = Questions of oncology. 2003; 49(6):725-729.
  50. Gershtein E.S., Kushlinskii N.E. Plasminogen activators urokinase and tissue types and their inhibitor PAI-1 in human tumors. Byull eksp biol med = Bulletin of experimental and biological medicine. 2001; 131 (1):81-87.
  51. Gershtein E.S., Mamedov U.R., Kostyleva O.I., Kushlinskii N.E. enzyme immunoassay determination of plasminogen activators and their inhibitors in breast tumors: association with clinical and morphological predictors. Klinicheskaya laboratornaya diagnostika = Clinical Laboratory Services. 2000(3):16-21.
  52. Gershtein E.S., Nikogosyan S.O., Kozachenko V.P., Kushlinskii N.E. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator in ovarian tumors: correlation with clinical and morphological factors and prognosis. Vestnik Rossiiskogo onkologicheskogo nauchnogo tsentra im NN Blokhina RAMN = Bulletin of the Russian Cancer Research Center NN Blokhin. 2001(1):30-35.
  53. Gershtein E.S., Shcherbakov A.M., Goncharov D.u., Poddubnaya I.V., Kushlinskii N.E. The components of plasminogen activation system in esophageal cancer: relationship with the main clinical and morphological factors. Vestnik Rossiiskogo onkologicheskogo nauchnogo tsentra im NN Blokhina RAMN = Bulletin of the Russian Cancer Research Center NN Blokhin. 2002(4):20-24.
  54. Kushlinskii N.E., Kazantseva I.A., Gershtein E.S., Khartidi T.Yu., Lyakina L.T., Kalinin A.P. Activators urokinase and tissue types and their inhibitors in thyroid diseases. Problemy endokrinologii = Problems of Endocrinology. 2004, 50 (3):25-29.
  55. Kushlinskii N.E., Yusifov A.I., Gershtein E.S., Solov'ev Yu.N., Trapeznikov N.N. Plasminogen activators and their inhibitors in tumors and tumor-like lesions of bone. Byul.l eksp. biol. med. = Bulletin of experimental and biological medicine. 2001, 132(2):180-182.
  56. Gershtein E.S., Batsev A.F., Matyakin E.G., Kushlinskii N.E. Plasminogen activators urokinase and tissue types and their inhibitor PAI-1 in tumors of patients with cancer of the oral mucosa: relationship with the main clinical and morphological factors. Byull eksp biol med = Bulletin of experimental and biological medicine. 2010; 149(3): 323-326.
  57. Gershtein E.S., Prorokov V.V., Kushlinskii N.E. Prognostic significance of urokinase plasminogen activator and tissue types and their inhibitor PAI-1 in tumors of patients with colon cancer: results of a 10-year follow-up. Tekhnologii zhivykh system = Living Systems Technologies. 2011(3):42-49.
  58. Gershtein E.S., Kushlinskii D.N., Levkina N.V., Tereshkina I.V., Nosov V.B., Laktionov K.P. The relationship of expression of components of the VEGF-signaling pathway and matrix metalloproteinases in the tumors of patients with ovarian neoplasms. Byull eksp biol med = Bulletin of experimental and biological medicine. 2011; 151(4):431-435.
  59. Gershtein E.S., Levkina N.V., Digaeva M.A., Laktionov K.P., Tereshkina I.V., Kushlinskii D.N. Matrix metalloproteinases 2, 7, 9 and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases type 1 in tumors and serum of patients with ovarian neoplasms. Byull. eksp. biol. med. = Bulletin of experimental and biological medicine. 2010; 149(5):562-565.
  60. Gershtein E.S., Levkina N.V., Kushlinskii D.N., Tereshkina I.V., Kryuk Yu.V., Adamyan L.V., Laktionov K.P. Clinical Perspectives study of matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in ovarian cancer patients. Voprosy biologicheskoi, meditsinskoi i farmatsevticheskoi khimii = Questions biological, medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry. 2011(10):27-34.
  61. Gershtein E.S., Korotkova E.A., Shcherbakov A.M., Prorokov V.V., Golovkov D.A., Kushlinskii N.E. Matrix metalloproteinases 7 and 9 and their tissue inhibitors 1 and 4 types of tumors and in blood plasma of patients with colon cancer. Byull. eksp. biol. med. = Bulletin of experimental and biological medicine. 2007; 143 (3):438-441.
  62. Gershtein E.S., Korotkova E.A., Prorokov V.V., Kushlinskii N.E. Matrix metalloproteinases 2, 3, 13 and tissue inhibitor of type-2 in tumors and blood plasma of patients with colon cancer. Byull. eksp. biol. med. = Bulletin of experimental and biological medicine. 2008; 145(3):337-341.
  63. Korotkova E.A., Gershtein E.S., Prorokov V.V., Kushlinskii NE. Tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in colon cancer: correlation with clinical and morphological factors. Voprosy onkologii = Questions of oncology. 2009; 55 (2): 171-176.
  64. Korotkova E.A., Gershtein E.S., Prorokov V.V., Kushlinskii N.E. Clinical Perspectives study of matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in patients with colon cancer. Voprosy biologicheskoi, meditsinskoi i farmatsevticheskoi khimii = Questions biological, medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry. 2012; 10:41-46.
  65. Gershtein E.S., Li S., Ryabov A.B., Dvorova E.K., Yurchenko A.A., Stilidi I.S., Kushlinskii N.E., Davydov M.I. A comparative study of enzyme-linked immunosorbent matrix metalloproteinases-2, -7, -9 and tissue inhibitor of type 2 in tumors and blood plasma patients with gastric cancer. Byull. eksp. biol. med. = Bulletin of experimental and biological medicine. 2009; 148 (12): 660-663.
  66. Katunina A.I., Gershtein E.S., Ermilova V.D., Tereshkina I.V., Nazarenko A.Yu., Tuleulova A.A., Dvorova E.K., Karabekova Z.K., Gritskevich M.V., Berezov T.T. MMP2, 7 and 9 in tumors and serum of patients with breast cancer. Byull. eksp. biol. med = Bulletin of experimental and biological medicine. 2011; 151 (3): 334-338.
  67. Kushlinskii N.E., Solov'ev Yu.N., Babkina I.V., Gershtein E.S., Bulycheva I.V. Matriksnye Matrix metalloproteinases 2, 7, 9 and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases type 1 in the serum of patients with bone tumors. Byull eksp biol med = Bulletin of experimental and biological medicine. 2010; 149 (2):194-196.
  68. Kushlinskii N.E., Gershtein E.S., Korotkova E.A., Prorokov V.V. Prognostic significance of tumor-associated proteases in cancer of the colon. Byull. eksp. biol. med. = Bulletin of experimental and biological medicine. 2012; 154(9): 350-355.
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