Evidences of Existence of Serotoninergic Nerves, Enhancing Duodenal Motility

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The review is devoted to the mechanism of duodenal motility activation caused by sympathetic nerves. The authors have found that stimulation of the sympathetic trunk in the thoracic cavity in dogs in most cases provide not inhibitory but excitatory motor responses of the duodenum. Excitatory effects were eliminated during 5HT-receptors blockade by promedol and lysergol. Analysis of publications showed that sympathetic trunk contains serotoninergic fibers, providing excitatory motor responses of the duodenum to electrical nerve stimulation. According to histochemical and physiological studies, amount of serotonergic fibers in the sympathetic trunk is several times more than the adrenergic. This means that the body has sertoninergic nerves. Serotoninergic nerve as well as the sympathetic is a collective notion. There are: sympathetic trunks, their ramifications and branches that innervate the internal organs. Since promedol blocks serotonergic nerves, this is plausible cause of constipation in patients after surgical treatment along with the application of this drug.

About the authors

Viktor Mihajlovich Smirnov

The Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov

Author for correspondence.
Email: vmsmirnov1@gmail.com
Doctor of Biology, Professor, Department of Physiology Russian Federation

Dmitrij Sergeevich Sveshnikov

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Email: dmsveshnikov@gmail.com
MD, Associate Professor Russian Federation

Igor Leonidovich Myasnikov

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Email: asktomil@yandex.ru
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of normal physiology Russian Federation

Tat'jana Evgen'evna Kuznecova

The Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov

Email: tek@rsmu.ru
PhD, Associate Professor Russian Federation

Jurij Nikolaevich Samko

The Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov

Email: vmsmirnov1@gmail.com
MD, Professor, Department of Physiology Russian Federation


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