Evaluation of Rational Use of Antibacterial Drugs

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Backgraund. WHO considers the problem of antimicrobial resistance to be the serious threat to humanity. One approach to solve it is to restrict the use of antimicrobials. This approach implies the implementation of educational programs. Such programmes take much time and money. However, the effectiveness of educational programs is not clear. 

Aims: determine the effectiveness of educational activities in the field of rationalization of the use of antibacterial drugs. 

Materials and methods. Two-stage multicenter research on the practice of antibacterial drugs application and the effectiveness of educational programs designed to rationalize antibiotic therapy in Primorsky Territory. 

Results. It was found that programs aimed only at the training of doctors are ineffective. The frequency of unjustified use of antimicrobials remains high — 72.7% (2002−2003) and 70.4% (2011−2012). 

Conclusion. To improve the rationality of medical prescriptions (antibacterial drugs) it is necessary to combine educational programs with management measures.


About the authors

Yuliya Igorevna Gaynullina

Far Eastern Federal University

Author for correspondence.
Email: yuliadoc12.y@yandex.ru
MD, PhD, Assistance professor Russian Federation


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