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Aim: to study features of variability of a rhythm of heart at unexercised young men under the influence of power loadings in the conditions of application of certain training modes in the course of long occupations by athleticism. Patients and methods: 40 young men participated in inspections at the age of 19–20 years, not having contraindications for occupations with burdenings. Research of indicators of training loading of both groups used by representatives in the course of occupations conducted a method of definition of an index of training loading in athleticism. For determination of values of indicators of the statistical and spectral analysis of a rhythm of heart the Polar RS800CX cardiomonitor was used. Control of studied indicators at rest and after power loading carried out for 3 months of occupations by athleticism with an interval in 1 month. Results: use in the course of occupations by athleticism of power loadings with large volume of work and low intensity considerably increases activity of the central mechanisms of neurohumoral regulation of a rhythm of heart due to decrease in parasympathetic activation of autonomous nervous system on sinusovy knot of heart, than loading of high intensity with a small volume of work. Conclusions: the result of long-term adaptation to occupations by athleticism, in the conditions of different modes of loading, is characterized by existence of an ekonomization of functioning of cardiovascular system of the unexercised contingent.

About the authors

A. A. Chernozub

Chernomorsk State University named after P. Mogila, Nikolaev, Ukraine

Author for correspondence.
Email: chernozub@gmail.com

кандидат наук по физическому воспитанию и спорту, доцент кафедры здоровья человека и физической реабилитации Черноморского государственного университета им. П. Могилы
Адрес: 54003, Украина, Николаев, ул. 68 Десантников, д. 10, тел.: (0512) 76-55-54



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