Fundamental Sciences and Fundamental Medicine

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An analytic paper discusses current understanding of the status and the role of fundamental and applied research and specifically of medical science for the socio-economic development of society. The related concept of scientific development is presented; classification and definitions used by UNESCO and other international and national organizations of different countries including the Russian Federation are given. The unique role of medicine science that is mostly related to the category of strategic basic research and is aimed at understanding the fundamental basis of applied ultimate goal is debated. Research is now recognized as a major component of innovation and the key to the development of modern society. Attention is drawn to the fact that future breakthrough technologies grow from today’s innovative ideas and achievements of fundamental and applied sciences. The fact that the funding of applied research provides tangible benefits in the short term is determined to be significant. At the same time sustainable public investment in basic research (seemed to be unprofitable) is a crucial factor for the socio-economic development of any country and a reasonable measure in the long term.

About the authors

M. V. Zueva

Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Moscow

Author for correspondence.
PhD Russian Federation


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