Influence of Adamantilbromphenylamine on Parameters of Immunity and Symptoms of Asthenia in Patients with Non-Psychotic Mental Disorders

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Objective: Our aim was to assess effect of antiasthenic drug adamantilbromphenylamine on the immune system and symptoms of asthenia in patients with non-psychotic mental disorders and to reveal possible criteria for prediction of treatment efficiency.

Methods: Uncontrolled study with interrupted time series was carried out. According to efficiency of treatment patients were divided into two groups (group 1 (n =21) — very much improved and much improved; group 2 (n =9) — minimally improved). Adamantilbromphenylamine was administered to patients as a monotherapy 100 mg a day for 28 days. Examination was conducted before and after therapy. Severity of asthenic symptoms according to MFI-20 scale was identified; cellular and humoral immunity parameters, mitogen-induced production of interleukins (IL) 1β and IL 4 by immunocompetent cells of patients were assessed.

Results: 30 patients with non-psychotic mental disorders with predominance of asthenic symptomatology in clinical picture of the disease were examined. Before therapy every proband had over 60 points across 5 items of MFI-20 scale. As compared with control decrease of number of lymphocytes of CD3+-, HLA-DR+, CD16+-phenotypes; increase in the ratio of CD4+/CD8+; concentration of serum IgМ; phagocytic activity of neutrophils were revealed. In the end of therapy in group 1, sum total of points of asthenia decreased up to 26 (23–37) (p <0.001); in group 2 — up to 57 (47–61). Only in group 1 positive dynamic of immune parameters was revealed. It was shown that baseline level of proinflammatory cytokine IL 1β in group with apparent therapeutic effect of the drug was reliably lower, than in group with minimal improvement (p =0.005). These differences remained also after course of therapy (p =0.042).

Conclusion: Interrelationship of clinical-immunological effect of adamantilbromphenylamine has been revealed; intensity of production of IL 1β may be considered as a criterion of prognosis of efficiency of treatment with adamantilbromphenylamine in patients with non-psychotic mental disorders

About the authors

T. P. Vetlugina

Mental Health Research Institute

Author for correspondence.
Tomsk Russian Federation

V. B. Nikitina

Mental Health Research Institute

Tomsk Russian Federation

S. A. Sergeeva

Mental Health Research Institute

Tomsk Russian Federation

M. M. Axenov

Mental Health Research Institute

Tomsk Russian Federation

O. A. Lobacheva

Mental Health Research Institute

Tomsk Russian Federation

D. N. Savochkina

Mental Health Research Institute

Tomsk Russian Federation

E. M. Epanchintseva

Mental Health Research Institute

Tomsk Russian Federation

N. A. Bokhan

Mental Health Research Institute

Tomsk Russian Federation


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