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An effector of tissue stress of hepatocytes, prodigiozan-dependent comuton (PDC), provokes deenergiezation of liver mitochondria, preloaded by Ca2+ ions. In this case a decrease of membrane potential (MP) and Ca2+ efflux by cyclosporine A sensitive mechanism of megapore is observed. If megapore is blocked by cyclosporin A, protonofor FCCP provoked decrease of MP and Ca2+ efflux by cyclosporin A-insensitive mechanism. It is shown that PDC increases resistance of mitochondria to mentioned protonofor action by inhibition of both these effects. An inhibitory action of PDC is realized by K+ and NADH-dependent mechanism. The effector of hepatocyte tissue stress, prodigiozan-dependent comuton (PDC), evokes deenergizing liver mitochondria preloaded with Ca2+, both membrane potential (MP) decrease and Ca2+ release in according to cyclosporine A- sensitive mechanism of megapore being observed. If megapore is blocked by cyclosporin A, protonophore FCCP reduces of MP and Ca2+ release in according to cyclosporin A-insensitive mechanism. PDC is shown to increase the resistance of mitochondria against protonophore action mentioned above by means of inhibition of both these effects. Inhibitory action of PDC is realized due to both K+ and NADH-dependent mechanism. protective effect takes place only in intact mitochondria of these cells providig (on condition that) its megapore mechanism is not activated. Moreover, the results obttained are evidence of PDC can function as protector due to intensification of energy generation in damaged.

About the authors

G. M. Elbakidze

Association for World Laboratory, Biomedical Centre, Moscow, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

доктор биологических наук, академик РАЕН, директор Медико-биологического центра Ассоциации содействия Всемирной лаборатории
Адрес: 129344, Москва, ул. Искры, д. 13, к. 1, кв. 40, тел.: (499) 198-72-28

Russian Federation

A. G. Medentsev

G.K. Skryabin’s Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, RAS, Puschino, Moscow district, Russian Federation


доктор биологических наук, заведующий лабораторией Института физиологии и биохимии микроорганизмов им. Г.К. Скрябина РАН
Адрес: Московская область, Пущино, Институтская, д. 4, тел.: (4967) 31-86-43

Russian Federation

A. G. Elbakidze

Association for World Laboratory, Biomedical Centre, Moscow, Russian Federation

младший научный сотрудник Медико-биологического центра Ассоциации содействия Всемирной лаборатории
Адрес: 129344, Москва, ул. Искры, д. 13, к. 1, кв. 40, тел.: (499) 198-72-28 Russian Federation


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