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Aim: The study was aimed at performing an experimental trial of the reparative osteogenesis stimulation by local injection of autologous
plasma in combination with metabolically active substances such as L-ascorbic acid and D-glucose for management of pelvic fractures.
Material and methods: The experiment was carried out on twenty-six mongrel dog of both sexes aged 1.5±0.09 years and with body weight
of 17±0.5kg. Transverse osteotomy was performed in the acetabulum (n =20) and in the ilium body (n =6).The fractures were stabilized with external fixators. On days two through 5 after the operation all dogs had intraarticular or intraosseous injections of the saline solution throughout 24 hours in the dose of 0.4 ml per day. Experimental animals were additionally injected once a day with 1 ml of a composition consisting of the ascorbic acid and glucose. The external apparatuses were dismounted on day 21 after the operation. The animals for histological study were euthanized on day
14 and 42 after the operation. The study used radiographic and histological methods of study as well as the method of radiographic electron probe
microanalysis. Results: The control animals that had either intraosseous or intraarticular saline injections alone had fibro-cartilaginous union of the
pelvic fragments. They developed bone deformity due to secondary displacement upon apparatus removal. The experimental animals had primary bone union on day 14. The bone was consolidated after the removal of the apparatus. Conclusion: Autologous blood plasma in combination with active substances of ascorbic acid and glucose had a marked stimulating effect on pelvic fracture healing if applied locally in the posttraumatic period. The method of reparative osteogenesis stimulation that was developed is low traumatic. It does not hinder early functional loading and allows control of reparative process basing on the biological principles of tissue regeneration.

About the authors

T. A. Silant'eva

Russian Ilizarov Scientific Centre «Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics», Kurgan

Author for correspondence.

MD, leading research scientist at the Laboratory of Morphology of Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics


Russian Federation

V. V. Krasnov

Russian Ilizarov Scientific Centre «Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics», Kurgan, Russian Federation


доктор биологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник клинико-эксперимен-тальной лаборатории патологии осевого скелета и нейрохирургии РНЦ «Восстановительная травматология и орто-педия» им. акад. Г.А. Илизарова»
Адрес: 640014, Курган, ул. М. Ульяновой, д. 6, тел.: +7(3522) 41-52-73

Russian Federation


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