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Aim: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the differences and factors that are interlinked with mortality rates of the population aged 40–59 years in the subjects of the Russian Federation. Materials and methods: To calculate mortality rates used by Rosstat data on population and number of deaths in the age groups 40–59 years among men and women in the regions of Russia, as well as indicators that characterize the socioeconomic condition of the region. Results: In the Russian Federation there is a significant mortality gradient between the regions, and among male and female population aged 40–59. Except in certain republics of the North Caucasus, mortality among male and female population in the other regions of the Russian Federation is significantly higher than in Moscow. There was a statistically significant correlation of medium strength (r =0.6; p <0.0001) between the mortality rates (both men and women ) and indicators such as the sale of vodka, liqueurs and brandy (liters per person) per capita of working age and older people. Correlation between mortality and indicators reflecting the level of life in the regions was weaker or not detected at all. Conclusion: For an accurate assessment of the factors influencing mortality gradient in regions longitudinal cohort studies are needed to be carry out.

About the authors

S. A. Boitsov

National Research Centre for Preventive Medicine, Moscow

Author for correspondence.

PhD, professor, Director of State Research Center for Preventive Medicine


Russian Federation

I. V. Samorodskaya

National Research Centre for Preventive Medicine, Moscow, Russian Federation

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, руководитель лаборатории демографиче- ских аспектов здоровья населения ГНИЦ профилактической медицины Адрес: 117334, Москва, Петроверигский пер., д. 10, тел.: +7 (495) 623-86-36 Russian Federation

V. V. Tret'yakov

Rating agency «RIA Rating», Moscow, Russian Federation

кандидат технических наук, генеральный директор ООО «Рейтинговое агентство «РИА Рейтинг» Адрес: 119021, Москва, Зубовский б-р, д. 4, тел.: +7 (968) 766-93-66 Russian Federation


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