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In the formation and development of the national specialized toxicological service the important role was played by legislative initiatives, distinguished with continuity and improvement of the quality of care in acute poisoning, principles of interaction of units of service. Since the beginning of the organization of specialized toxicological service in the country, without taking into account the regional regulations, there were published over thirty ones, impact and significance of which can be very positively evaluated by formed a unique and authoritative national school of clinical toxicology, with its wealth of organizational, methodological and diagnostic and treatment practices, valuable scientific and human resources.

About the authors

M. Sh. Khubutiya

Sklifosovsky Scientific-Research Institute of Emergency Care, Moscow, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

PhD, professor, correspondent member of RAMS, Director of Moscow N.V. Sklifosovskii Research Institute of Emergency Medical Care. Address: 3, B. Sukharevskaya Square, Moscow, RF, 129090, tel.: +7 (495) 625-3897

Russian Federation

E. A. Luzhnikov

Sklifosovsky Scientific-Research Institute of Emergency Care, Moscow, Russian Federation


PhD, professor, actual member of RAMS, Head of the Scientific Department of Acute Intoxications’ Treatment of Moscow N.V. Sklifosovskii Research Institute of Emergency Medical Care. Address: 3, B. Sukharevskaya Square, Moscow, RF, 129090, tel.: +7 (495) 628-45-45

Russian Federation

I. Ya. Tadzhiev

Sklifosovsky Scientific-Research Institute of Emergency Care, Moscow, Russian Federation


PhD, professor, leading research scientist of Moscow N.V. Sklifosovskii Research Institute of Emergency Medical Care. Address: 3, B. Sukharevskaya Square, Moscow, RF, 129090, tel.: +7 (495) 621-74-63

Russian Federation

S. A. Kabanova

Sklifosovsky Scientific-Research Institute of Emergency Care, Moscow, Russian Federation


PhD, Deputy Director of Moscow N.V. Sklifosovskii Research Institute of Emergency Medical Care. Address: 3, B. Sukharevskaya Square, Moscow, RF, 129090, tel.: +7 (495) 625-8010

Russian Federation

Yu. S. Gol'dfarb

Научно-исследовательский институт скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского, Москва, Российская Федерация


PhD, professor, Head of the Department of External Scientific Research Affairs of Moscow N.V. Sklifosovskii Research Institute of Emergency Medical Care. Address: 3, B. Sukharevskaya Square, Moscow, RF, 129090, tel.: +7 (495) 621-0177

Russian Federation


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